we hosted an amazing AMA with ASSARA on the 15th of May
And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1. Can you please introduce yourselves as well as ASSARA?
Yes, It’s a pleasure to introduce myself as LV many of my friends here call me. I am located in the U.S and have been in crypto a few years now but have become extremely embedded in crypto more specifically the NFT space within the past year.
Assara is an entirely decentralized Blockchain lottery platform based on smart contracts held every Sunday; Blockchain technology and smart contracts in ASSARA ensure unparalleled transparency to win users’ trust.
ASSARA brings innovation and revolution to the Lottery Industry. Our motivation goes beyond personal and individual purposes, and it’s a collective humanitarian goal. We have implemented truly decentralized intelligent programs that make everyone prosperous and give people a chance to get rich and enjoy fairness by buying a single ticket.
Our community begins with an important message which is “Unity saves All.”
In these challenging times whether it’s the pandemic, social injustice, international government conflicts, it’s more important now than ever for us to find the positives and come up with ways for us to come together to help each other. This is what Assara is, does and plans to do, and that’s to have a project we can all invest in where we all can win.
Q2. What are the advantages of Your project ?
Great question and I have a very extensive answer so buckle up!
We have a powerful and intuitive Blockchain lottery utility, extensive and thorough White paper, incredible Roadmap and tokenomics that offers reflection rewards, a per transaction burn mechanism and in addition airdrops for participants. The awesome utilities are top of the line and may I add we have the best Moderators, Leaders and community on the Blockchain. We may be new and young however we are unified, strong and together. To elaborate a bit more in regard to tokenomics, the Value of a token is protected with token burning protocols. Token burning protocols at different periods will reduce the supply and increase the price of the token.
To try your chance in the lottery you first must of course invest in Assara token and with those tokens you can buy lottery tickets for the weekly lottery. To participate, all you need is at least $10 worth of $Assara, $5 goes towards the lottery pool and $5 for the HOLD pool. Exact details can be found on our website and in our White paper.
Some specifics on tokenomics are as follows…
Token Burning
15% Burn of the total supply
1% Burn of the lottery pool tokens, weekly
84% of lottery pool tokens dedicated to Three Lucky Winners
To share in supporting charity
6% of lottery pool tokens dedicated to Charity
To get rewards as a token holder in the Hold Pool
9% of lottery pool tokens shared with the holders in Hold Pool
To be the reason for burning more tokens
1% of lottery pool tokens are burned weekly.
Transaction Rewards
3% distributed to Holders
3% returns to Liquidity
The Value of a token is protected with token burning protocols. Token burning protocols at different periods will reduce the supply and increase the price of the token.
The more significant the demand, the greater the token value
The decentralization of the ASSARA Blockchain Lottery platform (that it runs automatically and permanently without human intervention) and continual flow and dynamics of the Lottery (with ticket purchase) will cause a steady demand for ASSA tokens.
Simply put, just by participating you’re automatically a winner!
Q3. please tell us about the goal you want to achieve in this year.
Well the party is literally just getting started here in Assara given we just launched a few months ago but we are already at work making things happen.
This year we plan to officially launch the lottery Blockchain once our Marketcap reaches 50M. We’re also planning to have our very own swap as well to help our holders and potential holders by having a unaided central location to invest and “buy the dips”.
What will make our swap unique is that it will support multiple networks and will include 2% transaction fees which will be less than what’s currently in Pancakeswap.
In the extended future, Assara could very well inevitably revolutionize the lottery industry but integrating Blockchain technology “Smart contracts” much like NFT’s are currently doing. By integrating smart contract’s, any questions or concerns of fairness or bias are immediately out of question be cause everything is verifiable on the Blockchain.
Q4. Every project has a story behind their name, Can you tell us more about the story behind this? Who are the team behind this project? can tell us their background?
Absolutely! The Assara is a genus of small butterflies 🦋, and Butterflies are known for Inspiring the hope, Friendship, happiness and this is what Assara wants to bring to the world. We are bringing hope and creating better lives with and for the ASSARA Family.
Our Team consists of Group of Smart and best Programmers who are active in the Crypto market.
We have the Best Leaders from around the world from the Uk,Canada , Singapore, Germany, and Turkey and with full of experience in Crypto for years and they have been in Big projects and some of the team members are still that’s why we can’t officially share their names but we are thankful to them for spending valuable time and believing in this project enough to be here 🌷☺️☺️.
Q5. NFT is one of the hottest and most sought-after topics in the blockchain space right now. Can you share your opinion on NFT with us? Do you think NFT will disrupt the current financial system? What is Your project’s approach to the NFT sector?
NFT’s are dear and close to my heart personally. Though many have heard of NFT’s, many more do not necessarily understand what they are or their full potential in the world but want to understand, they just don’t know where to get started. Believe it or not, the NFT market is still very young and has yet to come close to tapping its full potential. In some countries, NFT’s are being integrated with real world use case such as real estate where homes are being minted and sold on the Blockchain. There are talks about her integrating NFT’s within the medical industry and even political voting systems in order to cut down on fraud. So to answer the question on if I feel NFT will disrupt our current financial system?? I feel NFT’s will not as much disrupt the current system but more transform it in more ways than we can possibly imagine. The massive shift has already begun.
Assara will Have Gen 2 NFTS That has Usability, and they are Practical in our Metaverse consisting of characters, etc. our NFTS will be practical and not just for buying and selling. We had several meetings for the foundation of that, and in the future, we will announce about them. To make it its this space, projects MUST rely on utility and functionality for sustainability. The days of meme’s are literally fading away. NFT’s are the next big thing and now it’s a race to see who can tap it’s full potential in ways unknown.
And here we will put best questions from our members and ASSARA fans:
Q1. What I noticed on your project feature is that there is a prize allocation for ASSARA’s Charity Wallet. Can you please discuss more about your charity movement/initiatives? What charity organization are you partnering on this matter?
Our principle is our Community; the members worldwide are vital to us.
At this moment, Yemenian People are suffering from Some problems with Food, Medicine. We will allocate one part of our Charity.
The second part of our charity will be given to Syrians and Ukraine people who suffered from War, etc.
The third part of our charity will be used for poor people and help them buy food and Medicine.
The fifth part is for the people who have cancer who can’t afford the price of the medicines, and we are going to support them.
The sixth part will be for some people in Africa that Needs our support.
We will work with Who and a great organization we will announce in the future.
Q2. One of the biggest problems in crypto is ‘SCAM PROJECTS’. People are losing millions in these scams. Even audited Projects are scamming people. So, how will @assarafinance analysis to ensure the project you bring to the user is legit and trustworthy?
Our Investors and their investment is really important for us We are in BSC Network and our Contract is programmed well and also we have Kyc + Audited by https://maxloop.org/assara/
As a legitimate project, we do what we need to make sure to have audits, communicate effectively with both our holders and potential holders. We also want to encourage everyone to DYOR and make the best decision for you and your investment.
Q3. Hackers are very active in the market and almost everyday we hear about another hack attack. Can you please give some information about the security system of ? How safe are the funds of investors? Do you already have an audit❓
This actually ties into the previous question, we here in Assara are doing all we can to ensure security and that we are not at risk. Realisitcally, in crypto there’s always risk involved, no matter how small or large your project or project liquidity fund is. No one can gaurantee 100% that nothing will ever happen. If they did I would conisder it a red flag.
Assara has taken steps to make sure our contract is safe, secure and liquidity has been locked for 2 years. Other than than as i previously mentioned, potential holders should always do their own reasearch to find out if not only our project but if any potential project they’re looking to invest in is worth investing in. Research is key and very important.
Q4. Could you tell us a little about greatest achievements last month, what are working on right now? What are the main thoughts you want to convey through today’s AMA?
Absolutely, first off a huge congratulations to the Assara community for getting listed on both CMC and CG. Coingecko listing happened less than 24 hours ago. Given we are barely 3 months in, we are literally barely past the start line but we’re gaining traction and fast. Having out CG and CMC listing go through is just the beginning and the fuel to help get us going to reach our roadmap goals. The Assara swap is already in progress and marketing plans are already being made. Want to know what those marketing plans are?? Come join us in our community telegram and find out 😏😁😉
Q5. Where can I buy your ASSARA tokens now, what are your current contracts address and how can I buy them and what are the benefits?
That’s an easy one lol
📜 Contract address is :
You can Buy from Pancake Swap and Exchanges like Coinsbit, P2PB2B, CoinTiger.
💰 Click here : PancakeSwap
💢 Coinsbit
⭐️ P2PB2B
🐅 CoinTiger
By buying our Token and Holding it, you can participate in Our Lottery Blockchain and Enjoy the growth of your investment by 3% rewards per transaction. The team is working 24/7 on the project to bring Huge things to this family, and success is assured.
Q6. Is your project only for English speaking countries or is there a community for other language users?
Absolutely not, our project is for any and everyone! Our Founder is from Germany and I am from the states so we welcoem everyone!
Q7. Crypto currencies are not so popular in Southeast Asia market, some countries like Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, etc. Do you have any plan to reach these potential crypto countries?
Given we’re 3 months into our roadmap, we are just gaining our walking feet and trying to build our community. We hope that through effective and meaningful marketing plans in the very near future, we can reach people in all countries and regions.
Q8. I really like LOTTERY based projects, because I have won once in my life and it keeps me struggling in this field! But this time I don’t understand, what is Decentralized Lottery? How often is the lottery done? And how do I know I’ve won?
Well you have one up one me. I won a scratch-off ticket maybe once in my life personally lol. Normally loterries happen on television and to win you have to buy a paper ticket that can be misplaced or lost or even stolen however on the blockchain there are no questions of legitimacy on whether it is your ticket or not. If it’s your wallet or ticket that wins, anyone can verify it on the Blockchain. This is what makes it Decentralized. Lotteries will be done weekly on Sunday’s. For exact details please visit our website and download the White paper which will definitely help.
Q9. According with CMC your ASSA token is only available on Pancakeswap, P2PB2B and Contiger, so can you explain us if you have planned support more exchanges soon?
Yes we hope to explore connecting with around 10 more exchanges
Q10. Did you consider community feedback/requests during the creation of your product in order to expand on fresh ideas for your project? Many projects fail because the target audience and clients are not understood. So I’d like to know who your ideal consumer is for your product?
Absolutely, we care for our community that we hope this projects brings them wealth and good fortune. It’s only best that we consider their thoughts and feelings as well going forward. Our community are not just holders but more importanly investors as well. Assara was concepted during the pandemic on the foundation of wanting to create a project that will help everyone in all walks of life and backgrounds.
And this was the end of our AMA with ASSARA
If you have any other questions you can ask here: https://t.me/ASSARAcommunity
Useful links:
Website: http://Assara.finance/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Assarafinance
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Assarablockchainlottery/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/assara_blockchainlottery