we hosted an amazing AMA with BUSTA on the 2th of August

And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1) Can you introduce yourselves to our community?
Neil : Yep sure, So I have a long and broad background in IT and have been playing around with crypto since the early days. I’m also an avid gamer so when the opportunity came along to work on something that involved all 3 of those hobbies, I jumped on it super fast!
Crusher : Sure! Some of you may already know me from APEcoin & MemeFarm.io (part of our ecosystem) – I’m now senior team member of BUSTA Have been in crypto since about 2017, and now work in the industry fulltime on the BUSTA project, among others.
Neil : And other than just introducing ourselves, we also wanted to introduce something a little special that we haven’t publicly announced yet.
Our beta game, which we’ve been working on for months and months, is now live and available to play!!
So we thought we should announce it here as a little surprise 🙂
Right now, people can go to crashbeta.busta.gg and play the early access beta game with test tokens and get a feel for what we’ve been working so hard on!
Soon it will be playable with real BNB, but for now it’s fully ready for everyone to jump in and have a good time.
Also, for the Q&A section of this AMA, we’re going to prioritise answering unique questions about the game specifically. So for those who want the best chance of winning the prize, they should go and play the game and think of some questions to ask 🙂
Yea so this is our first game of our whole platform. It’s a crash game just like bustabit.com, but we’ve built it with a whole lot more functionality and it sits on top of a DEX, staking platform and much more,
Also in case no one knows about crash games, I should just quickly mention that the concept is about betting some BNB (right now just test tokens), then watching the multiplier go up and trying to exit before the game crashes. The longer you wait, the more you can win, but the higher the risk of it crashing!
Q2) Can you briefly tell us what is BUSTA ?
Neil : BUSTA is a next generation GameFi platform built on Binance Smart Chain.
It is an enormous and ambitious ecosystem which will soon be populated by multiple games and tokens. Accompanied by it’s own DEX, Staking pools, Affiliate and Partner programs, and DAO, it is truly unique in it’s intricately weaved architecture.
It is capable of huge horizontal and vertical growth and expandability, while keeping all profit cycling within the ecosystem itself and managed by the community via the DAO.
Q3) Let’s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans?
Neil : Sure yea so in terms of milestones we’ve achieved so far, the most obvious one is the live beta game that’s playable now with test tokens. That’s a pretty big deal in crypto these days as we haven’t even done our IDO yet.
Crusher : Here’s some early game screen footage of the game for those who can’t play the Beta at this moment in time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7yI-gGgPsM
Neil : Very soon we’ll be switching the game from Testnet to Mainnet so people can play with real BNB and the game will be generating revenue from the House Edge. That’s going to be accumulating so people will be able to see the platform revenue to help them make their decision about buying in to the IDO or not.
And that’s quite rare in this space, to have a working product, with live utility, BEFORE the IDO.
Crusher : Here’s the BUSTA Medium blog announcing our first two IDO partners Starter & Samurai: https://bustaofficial.medium.com/bustabnb-names-first-2-key-tge-partners-cyberfi-samurai-starter-for-highly-anticipated-bust-c642914b7555
Neil : Also just a reminder for those people interested in the Q&A prizes, we’ll be focusing on the questions that show you’ve actually played the game, so head on over to crashbeta.busta.gg for your best chance of winning the prizes 🙂
Q4) Every project has a story behind their name, Can you tell us more about the story behind this? Who are the team behind this project? can tell us their background?
Neil : Yea so our name came originally with inspiration from bustabit.com, which is basically the grandfather of crash games. Once we shortened to BUSTA, we all fell in love with it, it’s super easy to write and say and has a cool feel to it
We have a huge team, somewhere between 20-30 total, I lose count 🙂
The core team have all been in this space for awhile and we have some pretty big names behind us, but not much of that is public knowledge yet – I’m sure it’ll come out one day though.
We started pretty small actually, with just one dev team working on the game and the core management and project leaders but we’ve since added another full dev team for the DEX/AMM platform, and another few devs for other niche features. Then on top of that we’ve got our marketing and PR people, designers of course, and basically everyone one else that you could want for a project of this size and scope.
Q5) DeFi is one of the hottest and most sought-after topics in the blockchain space right now. Can you share your opinion on DeFi with us? Do you think DeFi will disrupt the current financial system? What is BUSTA’s approach to the DeFi sector?
Neil : Absolutely, I think DeFi has already been heavily disruptive. The amount of money/value flowing around this space is crazy right now compared to a year ago, it clearly serves a purpose.
We have so many features to our platform but probably the most relevant one to bring up regarding DeFi and disruption is our automated and transparent revenue distribution protocols.
With most iGaming platforms, the users have no idea what happens with the revenue generated. With ours, what happens is fully automated and made public. Further more, all platform revenue gets cycled back through the ecosystem to fund a bigger bankroll for the players, and buyback and burn the BUST token among other things to increase the price for the token holders and investors.
Lastly, it will soon all be managed by a DAO so that the community actually has final say in what happens with the funds and if they’re not happy with the current revenue management, they can submit a proposal to change it.
Obviously in traditional finance these things can still happen, but they take months and it’s a horrible process. With DeFi and our platform, a user could submit a proposal and have it accepted and implemented within a week.
That is the power of DeFi and BUSTA 🙂
Crusher : Here’s a link to one of BUSTA’s ecosystem technical flow charts: https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/60d740788641bf3c262abe6d/61075bec368cda2f90c347eb_BUSTA-Ecosystem-Technical-Flow-Chart-v1.2.pdf
And here we will put best questions from our members and BUSTA fans:
Q1) Although ETH 2.0 is delayed. When it is deployed on Blockchain, the problems of transaction fees and network speed will be solved, most of the projects are built on BSC, so what do you think when your project uses the network? BSC instead of ETH?
Neil : We are launching on BSC as it solves a lot of problems and has a great environment for development. Once we’re established there we’ll be expanding to other chains, ETH and Polygon as the first two most obvious, but we’ll explore all options.
Q2) You could tell me in detail, why they have decided to change the name of the project, if just a month ago it was called “BUSTABNB”, why it is now called “BUSTAGameFI”, what is behind all this, perhaps they changed their main purpose as a project?
Neil : The short story is that we will soon be a multi-token, multi-chain platform and having BNB in our name would be somewhat limiting and confusing as we expand.
After the rebrand though we’re all really liking the new name, much easier to say 🙂
Crusher : Mobile screen shot example of BUSTA CRASH

Q3) I aped into this project around Feb 2021. I have been following the updates. Most of doubts were clarified already. My question is towards partnerships portal and Degen DAO!
- Listing partners token on our platform will be governed by BUST holders thru voting option?
Neil : 1. Yes!
Initially, listing partner tokens is a manual process starting with a conversation with the partner then dev work from the team.
Later, it will be an automated process where the partner submits an application and the DAO will approve or reject it based on their offer.
I also have an answer for part 2 from Anandraj, they’ll still just win one prize though 😉
- Absolutely!!
So $APE and $MFRM will definitely be in the first group of partner tokens playable and being auto-burned on our platform.
As for farming $BUST with those tokens, we haven’t made a decision on that yet.
Q4) Please explain to us about the burning process in the #BUSTA smart contract as it presents a very interesting function and how does this process benefit a project ecosystem..?
Is it possible to do some kind of token burning manually..?
Neil : A % of BUSTA’s platform revenue goes automatically to buying and burning the BUST token from the market. This creates constant buy pressure and reduces supply, meaning a constant positive effect on the price.
We can also do manual burns from the treasury if the community wants.
Q5) After I Read your docs, I can see that a lot of things were put into the development of this system.
You say “that there are things you’re doing that haven’t been done before or haven’t been good enough.” Can you elaborate on that? What will some of those things be?
Neil : The Web3 wallet connection to play DeFi games is something that projects are struggling with, but we’ve nailed it. On BUSTA, it’s super smooth. Just connect your wallet, deposit BNB, and hit play. Withdraw straight back to your wallet when you’re done.
We haven’t seen any project offer an auto-burning utility for partner tokens. We have that. When our partner portal is live, partners will be able to list their token on our platform and enjoy a constant burn of their token as our games are played with it.
There’s more, but I could just keep writing forever and I know people have lives to get back to so I’ll call that one finished 🙂
Crusher : Example of desktop BUSTA CRASH screenshot

Q6) What I Learned in #Busta That interested investors can play the game before they even participate in the IDO?
So users win real BNB or do they get BUST while playing?
Neil : Hi Dian, yes absolutely investors can play the game right now at crashbeta.busta.gg do help decide if they want to buy into the IDO or not.
The game will hopefully be playable with real BNB very soon, and from then our players are able to play with BNB and win real BNB.
Later we will implement play to earn features in the future, probably not too far away.
Q7) Can we only earn BUSTA token playing games on the platform or is there a chance of earning NFTs by playing?
When the game is playable with multiple tokens, you’ll be able to play with a token and win that same token. And yes absolutely we will incorporate NFTs into our platform for things like gaming achievements and completing certain tasks etc.
Q8) There are many scam projects out there. What guarantees that your project is different from theirs?
If you check out our game at crashbeta.busta.gg you’ll see a working, live product that took a lot of effort to build. I also am very wary of projects rugging etc. but when I see a project that has clearly put a lot of effort into a product, before even doing their IDO, I would be very confident that they’re not going to rug.
And let’s be honest, if BUSTA is as successful as we expect it to be, everyone involved will be so much better off in the long term than if we just rugged.
Q9) Which one of these aspects is important for you?
1-Increasing Token Price & Value
2-Empowering Platform Development
3-Building Community Trust
4-Expanding Partnership Globally
In what order?
Ooohhh, nice question, and somewhat difficult to answer as they’re all important of course, but let’s try 🙂
- Building community trust. – Gather a community that believes in the project like we do and will help us spread the word.
- Expanding partnership globally. – Integrate a long list of partners that will help connect our community with others and bring increased value to both.
- Empowering platform development. – Open up the platform to allow other game platforms and dev teams to build on top of or in connection with BUSTA, meaning our content/library of games and features will grow exponentially.
- Increase token price and value. – Obviously this is important, but this is not something we can just achieve by pushing a button, this is something that will happen as a result of the product that we’re developing, plus the above 3 points.
That’s basically our plan right there 🙂
Q10) They mention that products that the project will own will not only receive $BNB but will also accept tokens from partners who want to integrate the BUSTAGameFi ecosystem, so what requirements will they demand of these partners for their token to be accepted in the BUST ecosystem?
Thanks Jean Pierre, great question!
For a partner to list their token with us, they need to provide 3 things:
- Some of their token for the bankroll so people can play with and win their token.
- Some of their token for the staking rewards to incentivise people to stake their token on our platform to increase the bankroll, meaning more winning available for the players.
- Pay a listing fee to our treasury.
When a partner applies, they will advise how much they’re interested in offering for each of those requirements, and then our team will decide whether we list them or not. Soon when the DAO is implemented, this decision will be made by the community via a vote, and the more BUST your hold, the more powerful your vote.
And remember, for these fees, they get their playable on our platform, which will provide constant burn pressure for their token, and it provides utility to their token that they didn’t have before. We already have a bunch of partners keen to list on BUSTA 🙂
And this was the end of our AMA with BUSTA.
If you have any other questions you can ask here:
ℹ️ℹ️ Useful links ℹ️ℹ️
Website :- http://busta.gg/
Medium :- http://bustaofficial.medium.com/
Twitter :- https://mobile.twitter.com/BUSTA_GameFi
Gitbook :- https://bustabnb.gitbook.io/bustabnb/
YouTube :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNrMaaybuyMI8HiiIxnF7SQ/videos