Chain4Energy AMA

We Hosted An Amazing AMA Session With Chain4Energy On 27th April .

Here We Will Present Some Of The Best Questions That Answered in The AMA :

Q1. Can you please introduce yourself as well as the team behind this project?

Once again hello, my name is Michał Dziopak, and my humble self, I am the Communications & Social Media Manager at C4E. Essentially, I am responsible for overseeing and executing our communications efforts to ensure they are effective and efficient.

Our team at C4E is made up of over 20 highly skilled professionals from the blockchain and energy industries. From our co-founders and product & marketing specialists to our experts and advisors, we have assembled a talented and experienced group that works together to achieve our goals.

If you’d like to learn more about our team members, please visit our website at

Q2. Could you remind us what is Chain4Energy about?

In a very quick overview – we are developing an app and SAAS platform that will be in charge of energy billing, and trading (with tokenization) while solving the modern energy industry challenges we & energy industry are facing.

With our app, your energy bills will be lower (up to 80%) with the use of energy communities that are promoted and encouraged in the EU, while for the energy producers, the billing will be more efficient.

Our platform is for Web2 & Web3 users – Consumers, Crypto Users, Prosumers, and Energy Producers while providing to all parties involved security and transparency based on blockchain tech (Cosmos SDK), all while being cleantech – eco-friendly.

You can learn more about our platform here: or from the litepaper:

Q3. What are the advantages of Your project and why blockchain tech for the energy sector?

Here are the advantages of our project:

From energy consumers, via prosumers up to the energy producers, we are developing a suite of tools & platforms for energy billing and trading (tokenization) with the use of the core element – C4E tokens – literally you will be able to trade the energy for C4E tokens

With the use of our tech and platform, you will be able to save up even up to 80 on your energy bills!!!

Energy tokenization – this is our ultimate goal, to make the energy trading tokenized

Our community & holders of C4E tokens can decide about the project’s future via regularly held governance voting & proposals – you have the influence in changing our project and in the future the energy industry with us 😉

You will be able to receive the rewards for helping us secure the network

Q4. What have you achieved since the last time you were here with us?

To be honest, we’ve accomplished numerous milestones that we’re incredibly proud of. Here are some of the most significant ones:

  1. First and foremost, we successfully launched our mainnet, which was an important milestone for us. Additionally, we launched our prosumers platform and held successful airdrop campaigns to establish and grow our social media presence. We also have well-known influencers – ambassadors (especially from the polish crypto market) on our side.
  2. We’ve also made efforts in acquiring both Web2 and Web3 partners, and have rolled out our energy tokenization proof of concept. We’re thrilled to have over 70 validators who have joined our ranks and are proud to have completed the successful COSMOS IBC Integration.

We have already started the staking rewards. Additionally, we’ve held our first DAO and governance proposals and kicked off the Strategic Reserve Delegation Program v1.0.

Not to mention the exciting Blockchain City initiative kick-off in which we are all involved with notable participation of the BMW Foundation!

There are more successes and milestones we have completed, about which I encourage you to check out via our SM channels such as Telegram Announcements: , Twitter – or our Medium –

Q5. Please tell us about what you want to achieve in this year.

First of all, let me tell you about our current stage.

Right now we are leading the Private Sale. If you are interested in getting C4E tokens at a good price do not hesitate to reach out to us 😉

You can simply do it by DM’ing me or via the contact form here or by sending an email here: We will be more than just happy to help you out & answer all your queries regarding the Private Sale 😉

Coming back to the question – plenty of big milestones are ahead of us. We will still hold this year the Public Sale of the C4E tokens, and token listing (in Q3, subject to market conditions).

From the product side, we will launch the mobile app beta, EV socket sharing MVP, and of course advance and tighten up our blockchain city cooperation.

Last, but not least we will also complete the airdrop distribution. If you have any questions about any of these developments, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d be more than happy to help and answer any queries you may have. You can simply do it on one of our Social Media channels, e.g. Telegram – or Discord –

Q6. From The Crypto Market Is Highly Competitive, With New Projects Popping Up Regularly. How Does Chain4Energy Plan To Differentiate Itself From Other Projects And Stand Out To Investors And Users?

That is a very good question. I think our wholesome approach – we are a project using the blockchain tech (CosmosSDK based) to solve the modern world energy challenges.

We are not only the energy billing platform for prosumers, energy producers, and consumers, but we are developing the energy trading platform with the addition of features for e-mobility users (energy charging), energy communities (governance and P2P trading), and of course for Web3 users (energy tokenization).

How we provide our solutions is what differentiates us from other projects.

Q7. From Nowadays, Communities Can Bring Interesting Ideas And Excellent Alliances To Projects, How Important Is The Community For Chain4Energy? Can You Tell Us About The Current Partners That Support Chain4Energy Platform With? Would You Be Able To Establish Great Alliances In Future?

Very important. This is why we have committed ourselves to Governance as being an essential part of our project, we are running the SRDP program for validators, we have run the airdrops and more campaigns dedicated to our fellow community members will come.

Our current partners come both from the Web2 & Web3 industries. Among the most important ones, we could include Keno, Grenton, Unimot, OVOO, Frens, Commercio, Token Ventures, Ari10, Observatory, and many others.

Feel free to find the complete list of our partnerships on our website: and

Q8. From Your Chain4Energy App Currently In Use? Can We Use It For Mobile And Pc? What Do We Need To Do To Start Using It?

We are developing our app, we have a ready version for the prosumers. If you are interested in using our app kindly contact us at

Q9. From A Product Won’t Be Successfully In Future Without Good Features And Promotion. Could You Provide Some Of Killer Features Of Chain4Energy That Set It Bigger Than Competitors? Is There Any Hidden Weapons Of Your Product That Will Be Built Up In Near Future?

Ok, here is a quick overview of our killer features 😉

One blockchain to rule them all – from energy consumers, via prosumers, Web3 users up to the energy producers, we are developing a suite of tools & platforms for energy billing and trading (tokenization) with the use of the core element – C4E tokens

With the use of our tech and platform, users will be able to save up even up to 80% on their energy bills!!!

Our community & holders of C4E tokens decide about the project’s future via regularly held governance voting & proposals

Energy tokenization – this is our ultimate goal, to make the energy trading tokenized

Users receive the rewards for helping us secure the network

And we will have the elements such as the toolkit for the EV charging and many more.

Q10. From I Want To Ask About C4E Token. How Does C4E Increase Its Value, Liquidity & Utility ? Can It Increase The Price Of Your Token? What’s Your Plan To Make Your Project Stable And Provide The Highest Revenue For Investors From Long Term?

Great question! The value, liquidity, and utility of the #C4E token are primarily driven by its diverse flow of revenue, generated from various Chain4Energy clients, such as electric vehicle (EV) owners, business-to-business (B2B) transactions, and energy communities.

The revenue will come through different channels, including discounts for C4E staking and payments in both C4E and FIAT currencies. When clients pay in FIAT currency, those payments will be swapped and exchanged for C4E tokens. The revenue distribution is divided into several categories: 10% for the Treasury, 30% for liquidity in C4E/Stablecoins pairs, 10% for token burn, and 50% for validators and delegators. The exact share depends on the decisions made by DAO governance.

The C4E token offers various use cases, including energy tracking, a guarantee of origin, document fingerprinting, smart contracts, peer-to-peer trading, energy tokenization, token swap, subscription models, and more. The token is an integral part of the Chain4Energy platform, as it serves as a medium of exchange and drives the platform’s growth.

By following these strategies, we aim to create a stable, sustainable project that provides the highest possible revenue for our investors in the long term.

Q11. Do you allow suggestions and feedback from the community? Are we allowed in decision making, do you put community into consideration.?

Of course you are! This is why we hold regular governance sessions & votings. All you have to do is to stake C4E tokens to be able to participate in the Governance sessions.

Q12. What are Chain4Energy’s plans for now in expanding your project and introducing it to the world of Chain4Energy and How can we get $C4E tokens?

Right now we are running the Private Sale round. Feel free to DM me or fill in the contact form here if you are interested in purchasing our tokens:

Regarding our plans – we are starting from being present on European markets and will expand over the time to other continents. We focus on delivering our project with top-notch quality while staying to our fundamental values. You can read more about our roadmap here:

Q13. What are Chain4Energy’s plans for now in expanding your project and introducing it to the world of Chain4Energy and How can we get $C4E tokens?

Right now we are running the Private Sale round. Feel free to DM me or fill in the contact form here if you are interested in purchasing our tokens:

Regarding our plans – we are starting from being present on European markets and will expand over the time to other continents. We focus on delivering our project with top-notch quality while staying to our fundamental values. You can read more about our roadmap here:

Q14. Marketing strategy is very important. What are your marketing and promotion plans?

Right now we are running the Private Sale round. Feel free to DM me or fill in the contact form here if you are interested in purchasing our tokens:

Regarding our plans – we are starting from being present on European markets and will expand over the time to other continents. We focus on delivering our project with top-notch quality while staying to our fundamental values. You can read more about our roadmap here:

This Was The End Our AMA With Chain4Energy .

If You Have Any Other Questions , You Can Ask Here :

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