we hosted an amazing AMA with FEED SYSTEM on the 11th november

And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1. What is it all about? Why does your team want to do a project like this?
FEED SYSTEM is a company that aims to implement the maximum blockchain technology in the hospitality industry (bars, hotels and restaurants) .
We are creating an application that will help connect the 4 pillars of this industry : Consumers, Suppliers, Venues and Workers of this industry. It will be a booking platform, like Booking.com except that we’ll be able to book bars and also restaurants.
Consumers will be able to pay in cryptos, FIAT or FEED COIN, the internal token that we’ll create in the application and that will rule all financial transactions. This token will be a stable coin backed by the USD.
Please do not confuse FEEDTK and FEED COIN. FEEDTK is the tradable crypto Currency that is fluctuating according market movement, FEED COIN will be the internal stable coin that will only be used in the FEED SYSTEM application.
I’m coming from the hospitality industry, like other members of the team, we know what blockchain can do to improve many segments of the supply chain, traceability, security and reliability.
Our mission is clear, improve hospitality experience once and for all.
Q2. Please introduce you and the core team of this project.
I use to work in the hospitality industry for more than 10 years, then in some leading companies of distribution of liquors in Europe and the world.
We have built several companies since 2014. We are interested in the blockchain technology and utility of crypto currencies in several industries. We thought about the FEED SYSTEM project in 2020 and starting to develop the application and POC in early 2021. Our crypto FEEDTK was launched in June 2021 on the stellar blockchain and is now tradable since this week on www.aax.com and www.hotbit.io
We are 6 at the moment in the core team i’m managing the commercial side, relation with exchanges and supervising the development of our software FEED SYSTEM. Audrey, my wife and Partner of the company, is managing all the marketing aspects . She used to work in several big companies such as ROSLE (kitchen utensils) and BACARDI MARTINI group for several years.
Matt is in charge to lead the ambassadors through incentives an activities and he is currently working on the implementation of our NFT project that will be launched early 2022. He has worked for more than 10 years as commercial manager of private markets in the office automation industry. He has been involved in the crypto currencies since 2012.
Florian joined the team this summer and is in charge of global business development. He has a strong experience in the hospitality industry . He also knows cryptos well and he’s currently a miner of ETH.
Michael and Jean François are respectively digital – Community manager & creative director.
We are currently looking to hire a developer in blockchain technology with a specification in cross chain. We are also looking for an international PR.
Q3. Which interests will find the users to use the FEED SYSTEM more than any other booking service ? Please clarify advantages for each kind of user.
As said before, we aim to connect all actors of this industry in the same software. For example, the hotel will be able to pay bonus or part of the salary to their employees with the internal coin (FEED COIN), they will be able to pay their suppliers with this internal token, they will manage their accounting through a triple entry system that will simplify the accounting,…
A fish supplier for example, if he wants to sell any product to the venues under FEED SYSTEM, they will need to fill all specifications that our system will ask such as : the date of fishing, at which date the reseller bought it, a certification showing the origin of the product … etc.
All things that will increase transparency, security and efficiency and this will allow the hotels, bars and restaurants to give those specific information to their customers that will bring confidence in what they are eating/drinking.
A worker will be able to be paid in FEEDCOIN directly on his internal wallet and will be able to spend it during his days off in other bars, hotels or restaurants . We also develop a tool that will help workers to find a job easily. A search engine will help workers to find a job and allow them to apply for a job directly on the app, chat with the venue, make a video conference and even electronically sign a contract. This contract will be certified and protected by using the blockchain technology.
A consumer will have the possibility to reserve, pay in FIAT/cryptos or FEEDCOIN their reservations . They will also take advantage of an advanced loyalty program that will allow them to farm their FEED COIN, getting a bonus in FEED COIN When they create their account and make their first deposit on their wallet .
I tried to be short but of course, many more possibilities will be available .
Q4. What kind of other significant topics will be propsoed on FEED SYSTEM ?
At short- middle term, FEED SYSTEM will be able to secure real estate transactions, propose a search engine service that will help professionals to buy and sell second hand furnitures , A cash flow advance that will help professional users to manage their cash flow properly , … many things that will give an easier life to all users .
Q5. Why do you want to create a stable coin in your software ? Why not just simply use existing stable coins ?
We want to attract regular money(FIAT) in the hospitality industry. Thanks to all loyalty advantages, staking program and regular bonus , we are looking to push people to keep their FEED COIN in their wallet as the interest they will find will be really more interesting than any bank proposal seen for a while.
The main purpose of this is to suggest to all actors of this industry that are making profit such as bars, hotels, suppliers to reinvest their profit in the development of the industry.
A kind of perpetual growing industry feeding on its own profit. This is why we call this project FEED SYSTEM.
Q6. Can you simply introduce the developing plan of the FEED SYSTEM in a year?
Regarding our fundamental, the FEED SYSTEM application/software, all the designs are ready, the POC/POW (proof of concept/ proof of work) are at the last stages. We are speaking with potential investors and big hotels group to implement our system at a global level.
We target to be global quickly as we totally believe this application will improve the experience of all actors of this industry. According our current plan, we should launch the app during Q2 of 2022. We will have a desktop version and an application for IOS & Android.
Regarding our crypto FEEDTK, we plan to use our new public accessibility (being listed on exchanges) to attract many different kind of investors. The hospitality ( bars/hotels/ restaurants) is the second source of expenses for a family.
We target to be global quickly as we totally believe this application will improve the experience of all actors of this industry. According our current plan, we should launch the app during Q2 of 2022. We will have a desktop version and an application for IOS & Android.
Regarding our crypto FEEDTK, we plan to use our new public accessibility (being listed on exchanges) to attract many different kind of investors. The hospitality ( bars/hotels/ restaurants) is the second source of expenses for a family.
So our project is concerning a major part of the planet. We aim to be a real game changer and improve hospitality experience for everyone. As far as i know, we are the only project 100% focus on hospitality and bringing a system that can revolutionize this industry in short term.
FEEDTK should be listed on other big exchanges in 2022 and also work with a partner to launch some debit cards to give the possibility to the holders to spend their tokens in their favorite places.
We are also working on an exclusive NFT collection that will be launched Q1 2022. Those NFT will be dedicated to the hospitality industry of course, i cannot say more at this stage but this project will make some noise and will please NFT lovers.
Q7. Many many software are available on the market, in what your project is a real game changer ?
I don’t know if you know the SAP software package ? We want to be dedicated to the hospitality industry.
An all-in-one system that will connect every actor of the industry in one system. The blockchain technology will help to bring more transparency, security and reliability. Our internal stable token will rule all Financial transactions.
Q8. Talking about the crypto that you are listing on AAX tomorrow . Can you explain to us an overview of this token ? Any utility of this token at the moment ?
FEED TOKEN (FEEDTK), was created in June 2021 on the Stellar blockchain. We have, of course a limited supply :
- 400millions of tokens are reserved for the Community
- 250 millions tokens as reserve funds to invest in new projects
- 150 millions tokens reserved for the marketing activities and rewards on the exchanges
- 110 millions tokens for the team, founders and advisors
- 90 millions to be burn until the end 2021 (5 millions per week since September until last Monday of December )
We did that to create a deflationary process and bring more scarcity in our crypto.
We are listed on AAX and HOTBIT now, go for it!!!
Even if we are a young crypto currency, we already have an utility. We created our project on the Stellar blockchain for one main thing : they are specialized in cross border payments with almost no fees per transaction. Thanks to the LOBSTR wallet, we have the possibility to pay and be paid by FEEDTOKEN through QR codes. On LOBSTR wallet we can generate a QR code to pay and the QR code reading system is integrated in the app giving the possibility to handle transactions with any cryptos hosted on this wallet.
For example, we plan to launch some events called CRYPTO x COCKTAIL. A networking event where the bar will allow for the occasion to be paid in FEEDTK. All people invited to this event will have to hold some FEEDTK and pay for their drinks with this crypto. At the same time, that will be a nice networking place as all the people coming will be already involved in the crypto movement as they will have to hold FEEDTK.
Thanks to this initiative, we’ll show to the people that this is as easy as paying with a traditional credit card . In the meantime, it will be a nice proof of the work of our crypto.
So all holders will be able to use, at middle-long term, pay in their favorite place with FEEDTK
Q9. Why did you decide to build your project and crypto on the Stellar blockchain ? Knowing that is not the most popular blockchain for new projects at the moment.
We have a long term view on the FEED SYSTEM project. We aim to attract at least 70% of the global hospitality industry turnover in 5 years, so we need to have a safe, cheap and scalable network/blockchain to start.
Stellar was created to transfer money worldwide at no cost (almost). Stellar is a system without a central authority—meaning no one can stop the network or secretly adjust the numbers to his liking—yet even without a central authority the ledgers are verified and updated, every five seconds. A unique algorithm, called the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP), keeps everything in sync.
As the hospitality industry represents today several billions of dollars each year, building our project focusing on international money transfer was a pillar of our choice .
We also know that major regulations are coming under the frame of ISO 20022 and International Money Laundering Protection , building a project turned toward the future was essential for us.
Q10. What do you want to say to all the people that are currently listening to you to convince them to follow your project ?
I want to say that , we are the first crypto 100% dedicated to the hospitality industry with a clear purpose to be a game changer in 2022.
I would say to the people that want to invest to first Do their own research and if they decide to invest, to consider us as a middle/long term project.
Our fundamentals are really strong, the project is innovative and the experience of the team and advisors is really significant. We know the hospitality industry as much as crypto and blockchain and are pretty sure that this industry is ready to move forward and conciliate the new technology with the legacy. The society is evolving so fast and not implementing our system in hospitality would be missing a huge Momentum.
And here we will put best questions from our members and FEED SYSTEM fans:
Q1) I saw that many projects were unstable for a short period of time. At first, they started with hard work & good attention, after a few months later they didn’t pay attention to this project. Then it ended there. how do plan to survive in the market?
We are a real project and real company that aims to revolutionize the hospitality industry.
We will grow significantly in 2022 and aim to take a massive place in the crypto/blockchain industry
Q2) Feed system Based on the Stellar Blockchain, FEED SYSTEM is a decentralize and interoperable token. This is storing of value (investment) but also currency. Why was Stellar Blockchain chosen even though there is a Binance Smart Chain that is faster and cheaper in transfer fees?
Make your researches. Stellar blockchain in the cheaper network in the world at the moment, better than anyone including BSC.
We chose Stellar as they are specialized in cross boarder payements at extrem low fees, and we plan to move a lot of money worldwide in our system/application FEED SYSTEM
Q3) you mention that it will provide a token to be used throughout the hospitality industry and many more, so could you tell us all the utilities that FEEDTK currently has and the ones you plan to incorporate in the future?
Thanks to the stellar Blockchain and LOBSTR wallet, we can pay and be paid by FEEDTK by generating QR codes. We are also working in some events/ parties in 2022 where people will pay their drinks with FEEDTK during the event. Good things are ahead for 2022 !!
Q4) I read You are target to raise 1 million euros by end of 2021 by selling your tokens to investors and launch FEED SYSTEM Q1/Q2 of 2022. This is a great goal. Please, what strategies do you use to attract investors and sell them tokens?
By doing AMA like here, accelration our community development, working on global media coverages , starting new and strong partnerships… We have many leverages and we are not concerned about our potential. In 2022 we will be BIG !!
Q5) A lot of users are not good at English, does your FEED SYSTEM project have a community for Non-English people?Do you have any plans to add NFT’s to your ecosystem as this is the hottest topic in the crypto space?
Yes we have a channel arabic and chinese . We can share it after .We plan to develop spanish and russian too soon.
Regarding NFT, we are working on a project that will be launched Q1 2022. It will be an exclusive collection dedicated to the hospitality industry. NFT & Metaverse will be a big focus in 2022.
Q6) How can I buy tokens from your project? Will you have a program to sell tokens to users in the near future?
You can now buy on www.aax.com and www.hotbit.io in USDT pair. We are still early so the best time to jump in.
Q7) IS This Your project only for elite investors, how about others with small funds, is it open to everyone?
It’s of course open to everyone . But this is a middle and long term hold. We have a big staking pool on both exchanges.
Q8) Staking, NFT is very hottest, do you think you will apply NFT technology to your products in the achieved future?
a NFT project is in proiceess. We will launch an exclusive 70 NFT collection + a bigger collection. All dedicated to hospitlality industry
Q9) Many new projects make a good impression at first but are suddenly abandoned. My question is, how will you manage the project and the token to get a position in the market and become the best token in the crypto world?
No we are a real company, all really professionals and we plan to do a big splash in the hospitality industryy. Be sure that investing now is maybe one your best choice you can do this year. YIf you missed BITCOIN… Here is another chance 😉 #NFA
Q10) Good day sir, can you tell me
do you own any of
- Telegram group.
- YouTube channel. And,
- Location
For this project? Where can we learn something? Please share the link with us.
you can chck it on the announce of the AMA 😉 you have everything .
And this was the end of our AMA with FEED SYSTEM.
If you have any other questions you can ask here:
ℹ️ℹ️ Useful links ℹ️ℹ️
Website :- https://feed-system.com/
Twitter :- https://twitter.com/systemfeed
Facebook :- https://www.facebook.com/Systemfeed
Instagram :- https://feed-system.com/www.instagram.com/feed_system