we hosted an amazing AMA with Flourish Coin on the 11th of September

And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1. Can you introduce yourselves to our community?
Hello everyone thank you for having us in tonight’s AMA. We are very honoured to hold our AMA in your group and here is a short introduction of our team. My name is Jeton Dragidella – owner and executive director of Flourish Coin and my partner is Vigan Rexha – Social Media director. We are open for all your questions and we want to thank you for having us
Q2. Can you give our audience a brief introduction of $FLRS ?
Flourish is a BEP20 protocol which offers unique tokenomics with buyback mechanics. While being deflationary and
yield generating, it also features an integrated fee for charity functioning as our primary use case at the moment. The team behind this project is fully transparent and our names and our social media links can be found on our website. (www.Flourish-Coin.com)
Q3. I have checked your project has got impressive ratings by some top crypto rating websites. How do you take these ratings?
The rating indeed is impressive, and it is something we as a team are really proud of. We believe our transparency and honesty has paid off throughout the process of building our community. We are online all the time to answer everyone’s questions, backed up by our great team of admins!
Q4. Can you introduce the core team members of FLRS? We hear that the team is highly experienced, can we get some examples?
The core team of this project includes Jeton Dragidella, Flourish CEO [Production manager with 10 years experience], Rrustem Bejta [a senior network engineer with 12 years experience], myself Vigan Rexha, Social Media Manager [Running my own company, bringing a lot of experience to the team] and Sedat Citaku, Flourish Web developer [Network Engineer skilled in Internet Protocol development, and studied computer science with 10 years of Experience]. You can visit our website for more detailed information for team members.
Q5. Can you give our community a brief introduction behind the inspiration to build $FLRS ?
Looking at the influx of rugged projects with no real purpose and unrealistic promises, my team and I decided that we have to create something unique to help people with mental/physical disabilities while offering our investors something special in this ever-dynamic crypto-space. Even though we have our own idea’s we are open for suggestions regarding charity at any given time.
Q6. In the Crypto industry, what do you think of the current state? What do you think that needs to be improved?
First of all I think everyone participating – no matter if in small and upcoming coins, or in the well known Top coins like Bitcoin – is blessed to have this great opportunity. We believe that the Crypto-Industry will be a game changer in the long run, effectively creating a new monetary system, banking the unbanked and offering freedom to everyone participating. We know it will be a bumpy road, but we believe Crypto is the solution to the corrupt system that we are living in currently – plagued by inflation and the gap between the poor and rich being widened constantly.
Q7. How does the $FLRS team plan to tackle these issues to reach mass adoption?
We at Flourish are realistic and transparent, I think this is a very important foundation. As we grow we will increase our reach and impact that we are planning to use in a helpful way – donating to people that were left behind in this system. As the whole Cryptospace is growing, we hope to do so as well, increasing our operation together with our organically growing community.
And here we will put best questions from our members and Flourish Coin fans:
Q1) You mentioned that the team behind this project is fully transparent, so I would appreciate it if you can introduce who are the great people behind #FlourishCoin, and can you share the LinkedIn profiles of the founding team members?
Yes definitely. Our team has always been transparent and we have created a strong bond with our community. It is our pleasure to share with you who we really are. You can always go to our website and click on our picture and it will link you directly to our profile. Anyway we are sharing with you here
Q2) A few days ago, I heard that #FlourishCoin received an ‘Arbitrage Attack’ from XT Exchange which caused a dumping $FLRS price. Could you share a little bit more about it? What is the point of this problem? How did you and your team handle it? How big is the impact of this attack?
We had an arbitrage attack from XT exchange that was dumping our price so we had to drop before they took the money instead.. Owner sold from wallet that he will use to buy back after they block the attacker.. They mostlikely got our tokens from the XT exchange from a market sell that was way under the current price . so they could sell at our current price and steal the liquidity!
For those that don’t know arbitrage trading is when a trader finds a exchange that is selling for less then the true value of a coin, once such an exchange is found they buy the coin on that exchange and sell it on another for the true value. It tanks the value of a coin if it is not caught in time which it was in this instance.
Q3) The project you refer to each user transaction is subject to up to 12% tax. In my opinion, this is too high a number for a crypto project. Why did you choose the 12% figure and how will it be distributed? How do you convince users to continue trading at ”Flourish Coin” ?
I am giving a short explanation about this:
12% Tax being split into following features:
Buy back feature on every transaction (from which 50% gets burned, 50% to liquidity) Buyback means that after each transaction (Sell) a second transaction will automatically be set with 4% of the volume from the first transaction. These 4% then get split 50/50 like above.
3% Redistribution to holders
3% Goes to marketing
2% Added to the charity donation pool
So everyone benefits from the taxes and I believe the taxes are pretty fair
Q4) Currently many projects collect donations unfairly by saying that we’ll help charities. If FlourishCoin really did this? Will community decide which organization will be the charity platform? Have charitable organizations been identified for the assistance that has been provided?
Very good question. One of our main goals of this project is exactly charity. We as a team members together with our community and our initial investors make a budget evaluation and decide together where and when we do charity. For September – October season we already have three activities that are under evaluation for charity. We are thinking to build water pomps for poor Asiatic countries where tha dryness and the lack of water resources are very high. All our charity will be published in our website such as pictures from each water pomp and with this activity we aim to help people in need of water.
The second activity is to send food packages in war zones such as Afghanistan.
And the third activity will be to feed homeless people around the world.
Of course all our activities will be filmed and photographed. As we gradually raise as a community more charity is expected.
Q5) Are you a global project or local project? Are you planning to promote your project in different countries, where English is not good? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project?
Of course we are a global project. Our team is multilingual and we already have Turkish, Hindu and Brazilian communities telegram groups. We are aiming to open Arabic community as well as Vietnamese community.
We are also aiming a different community AMA every week, such As Vietnamese next week
In the future we are also going for Chinese and Korean
Q6) ✅How can I buy your tokens right now?
✅which wallet support your token?
You can buy in pancakeswap and XT exchange : https://pancakeswap.finance/swap#/swap?inputCurrency=0x43FFFb14dB56bFD6432e7AcaAdff697121861F96 https://www.xt.com/trade/flrs_usdt
Q7) How many people are currently working on developing the protocol? How many more do you plan to attract people?
We are currently 5 team members and very soon we will be open for new quality team members. The application will be public and published in our social media networks and website.
Q8) What is the competitive advantage of your project? Can you point out the strengths of your project that other projects do not have to attract investors?
Flourish is a Token with unique, advanced tokenomics. While being deflationary and yield generating, it also features a buy-back mechanic with integrated burn, so you never have to see a red-selling streak again while the value of your tokens constantly rise! Adding to all this is an integrated fee for our donation pool, which will be solely used for charity with 100% transparency
Q9)Smart contracts are still, prone to bugs. How secure, is your smart contract? so that we believe, Your project is safe and good for the future of investors???,”
Our contract is fully audited and this is the link so you can check for yourself. https://github.com/TechRate/Smart-Contract-Audits/blob/main/Flourish.pdf
Q10) My question is do you have any competition in the market and where are we expecting to see this project in the next few years?
Yes we will have competiotions please follow our telegram and twitter, and We are aiming to hit x100 from this point until the end of the year
And this was the end of our AMA with Flourish Coin.
If you have any other questions you can ask here:
ℹ️ℹ️ Useful links ℹ️ℹ️
Website :- https://flourish-coin.com/
Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/flourishcoinofficial/
Twitter :- https://twitter.com/flourishcoin