we hosted an amazing AMA with Kaka NFT World the 10th of november

And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1. Could you introduce yourself to our community ?
Hi everyone, nice to meet you all here. This is KAKA Chan. KAKA Chan is a series of quality talent idols released by KAKA NFT World.
The platform will launch more talented female idols as development continues. This program will cover distinguished women in singing, dancing, painting, musical instruments, and various other talents
The name KAKA Chan originates from an endearing term for cute girls in the anime/manga culture
As the leading platform for games and anime IPs across the world, KAKA NFT also put resources into an IP brand of their own, KAKA Chan. Not only does KAKA NFT gather a large amount of quality IPs across the world,
KAKA is also able to realize the platform’s strong brand incubation abilities as one of the most resourceful platforms with this opportunity.
Q2. Could you share more info about your project ?
KAKA NFT WORLD is a competitive gaming ecosystem platform focusing on the metaverse blockchain gaming sector. It is committed to combining the application of NFT+DEFI in the ecosystem,
constructing a cross-chain bridge based on the concept of global decentralization, integrating various licensed IPs of global brands, and creating Decentralized Autonomous Management (DAO).
It aims to create a prediction agreement perpendicular to the e-sports prediction market, and an open, transparent, decentralized, and complete project for the ecosystem
The main sectors are divided into the two following categories: providing services such as R&D, sales, trading, circulation, e-sports, and trendy games for game and art NFTs; focusing on the prediction market in the field of e-sports (Prediction Market).
Q3. We would like to ask about KAKA token,
What role does this token play in KAKA’s ecosystem, and what will investors benefit from holding this token ?
The initial value capture of $KAKA platform token comes from the in-game card sales of the genesis game, “Troland”
which automatically distributes 20% of the NFTs selling into $KAKA platform token’s dividend pool through smart contracts,
allowing for profit sharing with token holders.All the sales receipts of in-game items are used for the deflationary destruction of $KAKA tokens,
that is, players need to use $KAKA tokens to purchase key items in game, and the $KAKA tokens that are paid will be directly destroyed.
Its smart contract address will also be made public to ensure the game development team cannot impact the market price of $KAKA tokens through the mass production of game items.
Through the rigid demand of in-game items, the circulation of $KAKA tokens is handed over to the market to complete the deflation process.
$KAKA Holders can benefit as below,
- For holders with NFT licensed with IP, they can stake their IP NFT and mine for $KAKA.
- $KAKA holders have the right to vote for proposals through DAO.
- KAKA will do some airdrop events and reward the new users in terms of tokens.
- $KAKA token can be used to purchase gaming items, as service fee of gaming APIs and paid for minting, upgrading and fusing NFTs.
- $KAKA holders stake $KAKA into the pool and mine for $KAKA.
For the 59% mining that i mentioned above, it will be distributed to the following,
- 6.8% comes from mainstream token staking, which is to increase traffic to fund pools.
- 8.5% is from NFT Staking. Here, the NFT refers to licensed IP NFT issued by KAKA
- 25.4% is from liquidity mining that means you can stake KAKA/ USDT LP pair into the pool and earn $KAKA
- 59.3% is from play-to-earn games and airdrops. During game battling,you consume NFTs, and perform play-to-earn and gamefi.
Q4. Community is very important for a project. When you are creating your project, do you consider feedback and demands from the community ?
We do value our users’ feedback and needs. That’s why we have DAO,
1,The requirement of proposing is to hold at least 50 NFT cards of the IP series released by KAKA
2, Another proposal cannot be created by the same wallet address if the previous proposal has not yet expired.
3, If a proposal with inappropriate remarks is published, KAKA retains all rights to delete said proposal and / or restrict the publisher’s permission to propose.
4, After a proposal is successfully published, KAKA will carefully evaluate the proposal before going through with it.
voting rules:
- Users who have purchased KAKA IP series NFT cards can participate in voting. One IP series card represents one vote. The more IP cards, the more votes will be made.
- The IP series cards can reserve the required number of votes in different proposals, and can participate in the voting of different proposals.
- During the validity period of the proposal, users voted to reach 51% of the total number of IP series cards and the proposal passed.
- The total number of IP series cards does not include the number of cards that users have repurchased and the number of blind boxes of the IP series that have not been opened. These statistics are valid votes.
The DAO community has been launched officially since Spet. 29th and the first proposal was created on Oct. 2nd by a user whose address is 0xef0e556D0Ed228e41340E5eF567154AEa72Bc60b.
Feel free check KAKA official website: https://kakanft.com/suggest. The first approcved proposal is by creator whose address
The proposal is applying for IP NFT Cards holder for staking mining to take place repurchase from Oct. 9th to 16th. The vote for Staking mining is more than 53%.
The proposal was first evaluated by KAKA officials and has been approved. The details of Staking will be released by KAKA Official later as it is just added to our roadmap
Q5) Various NFT games are already in service in the market and will be released soon.
Does KAKA have the strength to survive in this game market?
KAKA‘s game has the following advantages when compared to other competitors.
● Multi-chain Deployment:
KAKA has crypto assets deployed on multiple public chains such as ETH, BSC, OKEx Chain and Conflux Chain. This allows users from different chains to join the games
● Cross-chain Operability:
KAKA applied cross-chain technology for users to transfer their assets and play games between several public chains such as BSC and OKExchain. It enables the liquidity of users’ assets.
● Deflation Mechanism
KAKA has a deflation mechanism where 20% NFT cards are burned through each round of the game.
The supply of cards in circulation decreases along with the battles.Therefore each card value will increase
● Buyback System
KAKA has a repurchase pool. After purchasing KAKA’s Troland NFT cards, holders can perform buyback through KAKA official site at a price offered by the repurchase pool.
Q6) What are the details of the KAKA token supply, project valuation, initial market cap, etc.?
Blockchain Network:
Total Supply:
Project Valuation:
Initial Token Circulation:
Initial Market Cap:
Platform Raise: Individual Allocation:
Ticker: KAKA
Blockchain Network: BSC
Total Supply: 100,000,000
Project Valuation: $15,000,000
Initial Token Circulation: 5,504,800
Initial Market cap:$825,720
Platform Raise: $145,000+$5,000 community round
Individual Allocation: $250
Participants can win multiple tickets, more information please check as follows: https://daomaker.com/company/kaka-nft
Q7) KAKA looks bright enough to be on the Binance smart chain MVB top list
Can you tell me what kind of work KAKA will focus on in the future?
On June 3rd, KAKA was listed on Binance Smart Chain MVB top list.
KAKA has optimized the token’s economic model and market value management and KAKA will perform IDO for $KAKA on Nov 23.
In Dec, KAKA will officially launch the 1st play-to-earn game Troland. Also we will complete the market value deployment and value management of DEX and choose high-quality CEX(s) for cooperation at the right time.
In Q1,2022, KAKA plans to complete the standardized interface for the card games and open the standardized interface up for development teams and projects out there who wish to enter blockchain gaming.
They just need to have their own IP and artwork. The already small economic model can be easily transformed to publish their own blockchain games on KAKA NFT using KAKA’s game rules.
In Q2, KAKA will complete the introduction of more than 10 card games and launch the second new standardized interface game
which will be a simulation type game. At the same time, this game will continue to use the economic system of KAKA NFT World.
The opening of the new game will bring great boons to the economic profitability of KAKA NFT. (You do not need to pay special fees using KAKA‘s standardized card game interface to launch your own game,
but you do need to hold a certain amount of KAKA tokens and stake it.) The platform uses this mechanism to ensure that projects that utilize the interface will not harm the interests of platform users and gamers using underhanded tactics.
In Q3 2022, KAKA will open the user value exchange between the Metaverse art gallery and the gaming platform and have a standardized game publishing platform,
NFT art gallery (supporting auctions and exhibition activities), a derivative store with trendy goods that supports users across the globe simultaneously.
Then KAKA will enter a period of diversified value development on multiple fronts. KAKA tokens will become an important economic value support and indicator for performance.
In Q4 2022,we will reform its multiple business integration models and start the prediction Market. We expect that more traditional investment institutions will join and invest in KAKA NFT’s global businesses. At the same time, KAKA will begin to deploy games on PS and Mi
And here we will put best questions from our members and Kaka NFT World fans
Q1) According to your elite investments, what are your next top priorities? Does your team have enough funds and a strong community to achieve these milestones?
yes like i shared before most priority is IDO on daomaker first there are many different dealership from all over the world please check links
Official Website
tik tok
Telegram Chinese- https://t.me/kakanftworldchinese
Telly Turkish – https://t.me/kakanftTR
Telegram Italy- https://t.me/kakanftworldITA
Follow South Korea https://t.me/kakanftworld_korea
Follow Vietnam – https://t.me/kakanftworldvietnam
Q2) Sir Which do you think is more important:
A. Community
B. Investors
C. Token Price
If all of the above is important to you, whiich should come first?
All of them are quite important. besides that the quality of our project is vital as well. because only our projects are amazing people r willing to invest us and attract more followers as well. communites are the key as well. most of people invest because the project is promising and profitable. so the token price should be reasonable
Q3) Is your platform suitable for crypto beginners? Or does it only limited for professional users ?
our project is fit for beginner and professional users. check more information on our website so u would understand better
Q4) Do you have Whitepaper if yes, please share it with as secondly do you have plans for pre-sale? Now where can we Join it?
yah we do have it https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1m-ictcWijAi-WxxuP2MpfLJn-tU8lItw/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113850034270488283918&rtpof=true&sd=true
Q5) How can I buy tokens from your project? Will you have a program to sell tokens to users in the near future?
yah for our troland game at the moment is mining for BNB but in the future will be KAKA token. also the game currently is on Public Beta phrase so feel free to check it and maybe u will be the one on leaderboard https://www.kakanft.com/
And this was the end of our AMA with Kaka NFT World.
If you have any other questions you can ask here:
ℹ️ℹ️ Useful links ℹ️ℹ️
Website :- https://www.kakanft.com/
Twitter:- https://twitter.com/kakanftworld
Medium:- https://kakanft.medium.com/
Discord:- discord.gg/dEYGK3cwPZ
Youtube:- https://www.YouTube.com/channel/UCmlkuGiD4WXxxwRxKjZjUTQ
Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/kakanftworld/
tik tok:- https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJnEQvnE/
White papers:- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1m-ictcWijAi-WxxuP2MpfLJn-tU8lItw/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113850034270488283918&rtpof=true&sd=true