we hosted an amazing AMA with Mental on the 7th of August

And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1) Can you please introduce yourselves as well as Mental ?
Phil Kennedy : So I’m Phil Kennedy, Live in Australia in a small country town on the east coast. I’ve worked 25+ years in IT, Mostly in Telecommunications and Management. I retired about 5 years ago after a major mental breakdown.
Ive been investing in crypto for a few years and after a dabbling in the shitcoins and witnessing some of the darker side to crypto I decided that it wasn’t good enough, we needed to use Crypto to make a difference and thus MENT was born.
I’ll now Let, Dee, My Chief Morale Officer introduce himself before I more on to a small introduction to our Mental Token.
Now our Project – Mental Token.
I’ll elaborate a bit more later, but essential the Mental Token is all about raising awareness of Mental Health Issues by using the emerging cryptocurrency market to educate a different audience and truly help deal with Mental Health Awareness around the globe.
We all know that Mental Health is becoming a larger problem, but did you know that someone commits suicide in the world every 40 seconds? If we can help raise awareness and prevent this statistic from growing, then we have achieved our goal.
If you would like to look at our youtube channel, one of our followers made a video today that really brings home this point I think and it would be great if you all could spend 2 minutes of your time at a later time, and watch it, here is the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDavcaOwpc8.
Dee : Hello folks! I’m Dee, a 44-year-old traveling teacher and professional speaker, currently living in Shanghai, having been based in Asia for the past 17 years. I’ve been involved in the crypto world for about 4 years now, but much more this past year as I’ve gotten heavily involved working for a few admin teams, learning how to grow coin projects. The last one I was in I was the Community Manager, and now, happily landed into MENT.
Q2) What are the advantages of Your project ?
Dee : Our Tokenomics. We have a 12% tax that is applied to every buy and sell. A good deterant for selling, one that rewards the investors, and also one that feeds into the charity aspect of our project as well.
4% for the liquidity pool, which means that in the future, our LP will be a lot higher and the price won’t be as volatile. 3% to the marketing wallet, 3% to the charity wallet, and 2% that is spread out in ‘reflection’ tokens (paid out in $MENT) to the existing hodlers (yes, I spelled it correctly). So, it discourages a lot of swing trading and encourages people to hold for the longer term. The more volume we have, the more the wallets earn reflection.
The charity aspect is one of the biggest advantages, and if you join our community on tg, you’ll be involved in a tight community where people share their stories, start relationships and become part of the MENT family. And we are becoming more like a family.
Q3) please tell us about the goal you want to achieve in this year?
Our goal this year is to donate $50,000 dollars or more to different charities around the world, build a strong community, have a solid chart, and help spread the fact that mental health is an important aspect of a person’s well-being.
Q4) Every project has a story behind their name, Can you tell us more about the story?
Phil Kennedy : Ok, you will need to forgive the long answer guys and gals , but I want to answer this properly.
Let’s start from the beginning, whilst it’s been a long and painful journey, it is worth recapping to truly understand the logic behind why I have created a Crypto token that will hopefully change the way the world views cryptocurrency.
I don’t really remember a lot of my early years, I know that I was a good primary school student and had a few friends, but was a bit of a loner.
I was enrolled in the local Catholic boys’ high school and that is where my life took a turn that would change me forever.
Whilst attending school I was molested by a teacher over several years which essentially destroyed my self-esteem, my self-worth and ultimately led me to deep depression and Anxiety, which has since been diagnosed as PTSD.
I won’t go into the specifics, but by the end of High school I had no friends, was alone, and to top it off my Father passed away with Cancer just before sitting my final High School exams, leading me to fail.
I pushed on, as I knew that there was more, I enrolled in university, but just did not connect with the material, nor did I make any friends, so off to work I went, and I loved it.
Work was my escape, I would walk in the door at work and flick a switch in my head and ‘put on this totally different persona, I was confident, passionate about what I was doing, and was able to pick things up very quickly, so much so that I was dubbed ‘Doogie’ after the TV series and people would tell me “You will be CEO one day”
Well, I climbed that corporate ladder, I studied and taught myself how to code, I taught myself how to manage Databases, and quickly went into managing teams. This is where I found my true calling.
Managing teams of technical people was a true calling, I was able to decipher the technical details and translate them into management talk and vice versa.
I loved my teams, I felt that I was adding value and really contributing to society.
I continued to climb the ladder and was appointed as CIO of a subsidiary company of one of Australia’s biggest Telco’s. I developed and delivered Australia’s 1st online, fully self-serve pre-paid mobile platform, which included Australia’s 1st online chat features with the chat operators working from home.
I was on the brink of being offered the CIO role of Virgin Mobile Australia when it all came crashing down, the then CEO found me under my desk in my office one day, unable to talk, I can’t explain how or even why I was there, all I know is that was essentially the end of my career, yes I went on to some other senior roles, but I would always end up breaking down after a few years until it finally got to a point where I gave in, it beat me, and I ‘retired’ at 45 years of age.
Parallel to all this going on I was in a bad relationship where I was essentially used, financially and emotionally, and it sent me bankrupt, I got to a point where I could not go on and committed suicide, I died. Fortunately, the Drs brought me back.
My mind would wonder for hours and drag me down pits I knew I shouldn’t but down I went, to try and divert my attention I started researching crypto, what was it, how would it change our financial systems globally and what benefits was it really delivering.
I started investing small amounts and watching the charts on a daily basis, learning about Bull and Bear markets and some of the flags that traditional stock used that were being applied to trading in Crypto. My portfolio grew and I was welcoming the distractions.
And then the Doge phenomenon happened, I had been watching the so-called shit coin, meme coin from the sidelines and then Elon started exerting his power and I was intrigued as to why these meaningless tokens were making people millions, so I had to look deeper.
I eventually found a token, that I thought had a really good cause and a great team, its focus was on Charity and helping people. The initial launch went well and the token and its community grew quickly , donations were made to known charities feeding the homeless and we were on a ride.
In the midst of this, I had another small breakdown, triggered by an online bullying event, that I know was minor, but really sent me spiralling, I don’t even know why it did, but it took me over a week to recover, my anxiety levels were through the roof, i was angry for no reason and i left the community.
It was at that point I realised that if I was going to really change my life, I had to help other people change theirs, change their approach, understand their impacts, understand the plethora of mental ailments and the way they may be triggered, not through financial gimmicks, but through really making a difference, by using this crypto space to bring awareness to Mental Health as no one else has before, to focus on the cause, not pumping up the price, as I truly believe the price will flow when people understand and believe, and embed themselves in the cause.
And thus The Mental Token (MENT) was born.
There are a number of other tokens already out there with Mental Health as their cause, but i knew i wanted to be different, for me this was about bringing people to the cause through crypto. One of my team said something the other day that really resonated with me and succinctly gave an answer as to why crypto and not just fund raise directly.
I’m a Gen X, but the Gen Y and Z are very different in their thinking and approach, it would be very difficult for them to see donating directly to a fundraising event as something they would like to do. However getting involved in crypto currency is something they want to do, by giving them the opportunity to do this, to spike their interest and to help others when they normally would not is one of the many reasons I am doing this through the crypto space.
A lot of these tokens are all about the memes, are all about the hype, again, I didn’t want to follow the herd, i wanted to do something that would resonate, and thats where i started recording some videos about my own experiences with mental health, about my own anxiety. I wanted to encourage people to share their stories, not only for the community to listen, but for themselves to share and for us all to heal. They say that healing comes through sharing your experiences and listening to those of others, so let’s do that, let’s really LISTEN to our stories, let’s try and understand the nuances of Mental Health and let’s make a real difference.
I am so proud of the team that have formed as we embark on this process and I really do feel like we are ALL going to make a difference by bringing awareness and visibility to the world.
There are big plans in place, I’ve started a small podcast where i’ll be interviewing Mental Health organisations around the world, I’ll be chatting to people about their own mental health experiences and sharing my own.
We will continue to encourage people to submit their own videos of their own experiences and I hope that this all resonates.
I may be only a man, in a small community on the far south coast of NSW Australia, but i’m going to help change the worlds view of Mental Health.
And here we will put best questions from our members and Mental fans:
Q1) As I see in your tokenomics, 3% of Every Trade Donated to Wallet Charities! This is such a great way to spend transaction fees! I would like to ask, is this the only way to donate? Can people also directly donate to your charity action?
Dee : Thank you for asking about the charities. This is what means a lot to us, so we always like it when people decide to ask us about it. Firstly, on our website www.mentaltoken.org there is now a donate button where the money goes to Black Dog Institute, an Australian organization that focuses on mental health for all ages. Also, we have started NFT sales from community members who donate their art that is focused on creative pieces aimed at mental health awareness. A portion of the money will go to the artist, and a portion will go to a charity. We have other charities we are looking at, but as you can imagine, it takes time to have a charity organization vetted and more time to make a relationship with that charity. We are always on the lookout for any charities that are looking to partner with us.
Q2) Safety is of course Crucial for any platform where many projects gets hack & bugs in the earlier period What Security Measures are adopted by #Mental Token? will there be an audit from Third Party Company ?
Phil Kennedy : Thanks, very important question, and one that I am very glad to be able to answer. At the beginning of this project I wasn’t sure about getting an Audit done prior to launching, but in the end I decided it was worth doing, and I’m glad I did as the audit identified an issue with the contract that could have resulted in a flaw that could have resulted in tokens being frozen for a time. Whilst it was fixable, it would have taken time and the same flaw could have been attacked over and over again.
As a result the flaw was removed from the contract, re verified and redeployed.
Whilst it was very unlikely the flaw would have been identified, it was well worth the effort to get the contract fixed and redeploy as I’m determined to make our project as safe as humanely possible.
The audit report is available on our linktree https://linktr.ee/mentaltkn.
Q3) You mention on your website that $MENT project is Anti pump & Dump, This statement is in contrast to the image of crypto which is very volatile and unpredictable. What make you sure that your project is an anti pump & dump? By what methods can you control the market situation?
Dee : If you look at our chart, you will see that we’ve had slow, steady growth. We haven’t gone out in search of whale groups or larger influencers, and we won’t until we have a stable and loyal community that believes in the cause. For marketing we have done a lot by word of mouth, and smaller influencers that aren’t just about making money, ones with loyal followings as well. We want to bring in as many hodlers, while bringing up the liquidity pool. While there will always be whales that linger around crypto, we stay away from groups that tend to house such whales. But the best part of that is—we have a 1% transaction limit on each buy.
Q4) Currently there are a lot of projects that disappear after a few weeks. with that why should I choose #MentalTKN? what proves your project is a completely real project & the charity money from users will go to charities?
Dee : You should choose MENT because we are locked, doxxed, and ready to rock. You’ve just met two of the hardest working men in the crypto world. Not only do we stand by our word, but we believe in what the project means. Now, those are just words to everyone here, so the only thing I can say to you is, DYOR when investing, use sites like www.tokensniffer.com to run contracts through the gauntlet, join our tg group– https://t.me/mentaltokenchat to see how we work, join our weekly tg AMA’s in our Mental Token Chat, and come to gain some knowledge in the VC. We try to keep it open as much as possible, teaching people how to smartly invest, getting to know the community, and talking about the project, answering questions and listening, sharing, and healing with each other through our own personal stories involving mental health.
Q5) The main mission of $MENT is to help people suffering from Mental Illness. So have you considered partnering with any Psychologist , doctors or Mental care institutions to develop your mission?
Phil Kennedy : What a very timely question.
Today I have spent the day reaching out to some Psychologists around the world with the aim to invite them into our telegram group to hold a group chat once a week for an hour or 2, nothing too formal but somewhere for people to talk about their stories behind the anonymity of telegram and should they need help be able to reach out to the psychologist in the chat
The aim will also be to invite some psychologists to our podcast and interview them about some key issues with mental health.
We don’t aim to be a one stop shop or anything like that, but we want to have the ability to allow people to talk about their experiences in an open environment. I ‘ll keep coming back to our little slogan.
Listen Share Heal.
Q6) How important is the community to Your project? and How can we collaborate or help share token for the development of the project?
Phil Kennedy : Community is everything to our project, it is what we are all about. I strongly believe that . if you look at our videos and even just our general chat we share our ideas, we share our experiences, we listen to each other all in an attempt to get better. sure we shill and bring more people into our community, b ut the community is what makes us stronger. We have barinstorming session with the community to help generate more ideas and ways to improve.
Q7) Hello sir, can I buy and your tokens right mey and now are also your wallet support and your token?
Dee : Of course you can buy them right now! We are live on Pancakeswap. Trust wallet or metamask is best.
Q8) Your project has great features. There must be an experienced team behind?Which regions are you focusing on?Asia, Africa or Australia?
Dee : Great question—Phil is from Australia, I’m from the US, and a lot of the other team are from the UK. We have a Nigerian as well!
Q9) Partnership is always an important factor for every project . So who is your partner? What are the benefits you get from those relationships?
Phil Kennedy : Partnerships are very important in any project. we have currently partnered with the Black Dog Institute in Australia, who is a Mental Health research and support organisation. we are looking to expand these partnerships with global Mental Health group ssuch as Mind in the UK, but its not all about the big guys, we also have arrangements with smaller local charities and will look to our community for direction on local charities in their area.
Q10) i wana learn about your project more..do u have any youtube channel?? or can u share your social media links?
Phil Kennedy : I’ve picked this one because it is a key part of our message, Our Youtube channel is where we truely share our experiences with our community and viewers all around the world. we also have a podcast and other social media. all our links can be found in our linktree. https://linktr.ee/mentaltkn
Q11) Crypto currency is so popular in Southeast Asia market, some countries like Viet Nam, Philippines and Indonesia… Do you have any plans to expand your project in these countries?
Dee : We do. Right now we are building up our main tg group, but we encourage our community to start their own groups. We have a Chinese one that is up and running, I do believe. This is about you, the investor, making money for yourselves. The more you take part, the more we all get a chance to make money, and thus, we will have more money for our charity wallet.
And this was the end of our AMA with Mental.
If you have any other questions you can ask here:
ℹ️ℹ️ Useful links ℹ️ℹ️
Website :- https://mentaltoken.org/
Medium :- https://medium.com/@mentaltoken
Twitter :- https://twitter.com/MentalTKN
Linked :- https://www.linkedin.com/company/ment-mental-health-token/?viewAsMember=true
Facebook :- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070063415694
YouTube :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy2ktyCfrvjvr0VEbThY9ug?sub_confirmation=1
Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/mentaltkn/?utm_medium=copy_link
Tiktok :- https://www.tiktok.com/@mentaltoken