Nature’s Vault AMA

We hosted an amazing AMA with Nature’s Vault on the 10th of May.

And here we will put some of the best questions:

Q1. Can you please introduce yourselves as well as Nature’s Vault?

Phil: For sure! I’m Phil, the founder and CEO of Nature’s Vault.

Zach: HI! I’m Zach Nice, the CMO of Nature’s Vault. Both Phil and I are based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Nature’s Vault is focused on accelerating the funding of impact investments aimed at combating climate change and ecosystem damage.

I founded this company to start our first and current project, which involves avoiding the environmental impact and carbon emissions caused by gold mining while utilizing tokenization to preserver in-ground gold deposits. Using blockchain and modern mining technology, we can now monetize and preserve gold in the Earth, which is the safest vault of all.

I think it’s important to note that at NV, our focus is on the future. Beyond the climate crisis, we believe in the conservation of Natural Capital resources, which we all have a duty to protect.

Our vision is to give everyone access to investments that protect our planet, thereby advancing us to a net-zero future.

Q2. What are the advantages of Your project?

Our first project, Legacy Token, is linked to a real world asset: gold preserved in the ground. With Legacy Token, as well, token holders get to make a direct positive environmental impact by reducing carbon emissions through the avoidance of mining. We’ve also designed a corresponding staking return with generous returns for token holders, which will help liquidity of the token as well.

So ultimately the biggest advantage of our project is that it’s backed by an asset: gold, but even better, it’s one of the first – if not only – environmentally friendly gold-linked tokens.

Q3. please tell us about the goal you want to achieve in this year.

Yes, for sure. We’ve got ambitious plans for the year ahead.

Firstly, we will continue identifying and acquiring additional mines to reach our goal of acquiring and preserving 1 million ounces of gold. We’ve already acquired 150,000 ounces with our first mine called Pistol Lake, so we have 850,000 ounces to go.

As we increase our gold holdings, the amount of preserved gold backing each Legacy Token also increases.

By the time we acquire out 1 million ounces, the amount of preserved gold linked to each Legacy Token will have increased 6.5x

We are also looking to list on Tier 1 and Tier 2 global exchanges sometime in Q3.

Finally, we’re really gearing up to build and engage with our community. Although travel is still tricky, we want to start getting out there and attending crypto events and conferences to speak at and get the word out about our project.

Q4. Every project has a story behind their name, Can you tell us more about the story behind this? Who are the team behind this project? can tell us their background?

Our first project is $LEGACY, a token that represents a minimum of 0.01 grams of gold left in the ground from the avoided mining of gold deposits. The story with Nature’s Vault began when we were reconsidering why so much gold that is mined (about half of the gold mined in the world) ends up being stored away in bank vaults and then traded virtually on spreadsheets.

So we call ourselves Nature’s Vault because what we’re doing with Legacy Token is tokenizing preserved gold deposits in the earth, or what we call “nature’s vault,” rather than digging them up at a high environmental cost only to stick them in a dark bank vault.

One thing that sets us apart from a lot of projects (in a good way) is that we have a wide range of talent and experience. Many of our core members have extensive crypto experience and we have excellent blockchain advisors on our project.

We have those who have had years of experience in mining such as myself, capital markets, ESG, and the sustainability space. We also have creative thinkers and those experienced in storytelling and digital marketing who help share our vision of using technology to help protect the environment in a manner that is economically sustainable.

And here we will put best questions from our members and Nature’s Vault fans:

Q1. Can you provide us with an overview of your Nature’s token staking program?What distinguishes it from other stakeout programs we know? Is it currently ready & what incentives will be provided to the participants of the program, so that they earn a passive income with crypto?

Legacy Token holders can participate in staking programs that pay out attractive APRs.

We have three different staking pools with increasing returns depending on the lock-up terms:

1) The Eureka Pool has an 8% APR for a term of 30 days
2) The Bonanza Pool has a 12% APR for a term of 90 days
3) The Argonaut Pool has a 16% APR for a term of 180 days.

There’s a minimum of 10,000 subscriptions and maximum of 1 million tokens per subscription. Each pool will be capped at 33.3% of total circulating supply, and retired when the rewards supply for each pool has been distributed. The total circulating supply is 75 million.

One thing that makes our program different is that, again, Legacy Token is backed by tangible gold deposits.

This program will be available upon the commencement of public launch.

Q2. I can’t find any information about your Tokenomics, can you give a review about that ? How many tokens will be minted, where will they be allocated, what is the use case & what is the benefit for holding them in long term ? Will there any special rights granted to the holder?

Our first Legacy Token series will have a maximum total minted supply of 500 million tokens allocated for release as follows:

30% for our launch, then 15% for our private sale, pre-sale, and prospector program respectively. 10% each for treasury and employees, and 15% for partners and marketing.

At the time of initial launch, given our pre-launch acquisition of Mining Rights over the 150,000 ounce Pistol Lake deposit, each Legacy Token in circulating supply (375 million in total) will correspond to the preservation of about 1/100th of a gram of in-ground gold.

And you can also check out our website and all our social media channels for more details at

Q3. Nature’s Vault, I learned, is heavily focused on gold. Aside from gold, there are numerous other precious metals that can be extracted and mined. So, aside from gold, do you intend to incorporate other precious metals into your project?

The answer is yes, we have every intention of tokenizing other mineral assets as well in the future. Beyond tokenizing actual mineral assets, another key value of the Legacy Token model is that in the future we may be able to issue carbon credits by avoiding mining.

These could be used to offset the carbon generated from mining minerals essential to battery production and the renewable energy movement, such as lithium, cadmium, etc. Mining needs to continue into the future, but it should be done in a net-zero manner.

Our model helps this happen.

Q4. You mentioned that each Legacy Token linked to real gold in the soil is measured by the technical report “JORC” or “NI 43-101”. Can you please explain to us what these standards are? How reliable are the measurements and why did Nature’s Vault choose to use it?

National Instrument (NI) 43-101 ourlines the standard geological disclosure rule as governed by Canada, and in Australia similar standards are governed by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC).
To clarify, gold deposits have to have been quantified independently before we acquire them as a prerequisite for us to consider acquiring them, which means we look exclusively at acquiring mines that have corresponding NI 43-101 or JORC reports attached to them.

This is because these standards in particular are used internationally as a trusted method for quanifying gold deposits. Investors large and small rely on the same rigorous standards when evaluating public mining companies.

The figures quoted in these reports are based on detailed drilling reports and comprehensive, standardised technical analysis. They are validated by professional geological experts, and exhaustively documented.

In summary, they are widely accepted as fit-for-purpose and reliable.

Q5. We know a lot of new projects are very attractive at first and bring different rewards but are suddenly abandoned. My question is, how do you manage projects and tokens to get a place in the market and become the best token in the cryptocurrency world?

Our appeal to the market is that our taken is linked to a real world asset and directly corresponds with a quantifiable impact for the token holder, who can also benefit from the staking program we previously discussed.

We’re also allocating a significant amount of revenue towards ongoing marketing campaigns and partnerships with the environmental and social NGOs, as well as other relevant stakholders.

Moreover, building out community is a top priority for us as we are creating a movement with the potential to have a significant positive impact on the future of our own world.

Ultimately, we think a token with a tangible resource behind it and a clear positive purpose helps us stand out.

And of course, behind the scenes, we have an amazing team with extensive experience that is involved in this project for the long run because we believe that Legacy Token is innovative and impactful and will make a difference.

Despite the recent downturn, in the crypto market, we think there is still a bright future for tokens that are backed by real assets, such as ours, which is backed by gold deposits.

Q6. I read that Legacy Token holders have a one-of-a-kind opportunity to make a direct difference by preserving NaturesGoldTM and avoiding real-world gold mining, so is this a project for environmentalists opposed to gold mining?

Legacy Token is for anyone who wants to make a direct impact on the environment in a positive way, specifically by reducing the negative environmental and social impact of mining in the case of our first project, Legacy Token. We are open to those who are new to crypto, as well as to those who are very familiar with the crypto space. Of course, if you’re an environmentalist and strongly against mining, this project will really appeal to you, but we invite people of all backgrounds and interests to explore our project further as there is also potentially a lot to be gained financially for token holders.

Q7. I see that Pistol lake is the first gold deposit acquired by Nature’s Vault. Is there any reason why you decided to choose this location to start gold mining? Will there be many other gold deposit sites that will be introduced in the near future? Have you started mining now?

Yes, Pistol Lake, located in Ontario, Canada is our first mine site. We chose this location because it sits in a pristine area, adjacent to the clean waters of the Shebandowan Lake system which has an abundance of wildlife, and eco-tourism related industries such as fishing and camping. The Pistol Lake Deposit represents a quantified gold deposit of 150,000 ounces. As a company, it is our commitment to NEVER mine this site. Instead, we pledge to preserve this gold in the ground and use blockchain to tokenize and therefore monetize it.

Our goal is to utilize a portion of our revenue from Legacy Token sales to continue acquiring mining sites that are located in environmentally pristine areas (we intend to acquire a total of 1,000,000 ounces of quantified gold deposits).

Q8. Do you have any white papers?

You can read our white paper here!

Q9. What is Prospector Program in your ecosystem, As 15% of Tokens are held for prospector program, How will this be used? Is staking possible? What are the benefits of holding your token for a long term?

The prospector program is our staking program. As explained earlier, there are 3 different pools with varying lock-up periods and APRs. The 15% of tokens allocated to our prospector program represent our liquidity pool.

There are several benefits for holding our token longterm.

1) We are linked to a real-world asset, Gold Deposits. As the value of gold increases, so should our token.
2) We will issue a finite amount of tokens, 500,000,000. As of now, each token is linked to a minimum of 0.01grams of preserved gold deposits. As we increase our holdings to 1,000,000 ounces, the corresponding gold linked to a LEGACY token will increase to 0.065grams, so a 6.5X in gold linked to each token.
3) Our Staking program mentioned above provides a great incentive to hodl and continue earning passively.
4) There is a good chance that we will be able to generate carbon credits through avoided mining. We are working hard on developing a protocol for this. If we are able to generate carbo credits, it is our intention to tokenize a percentage of these credits and distribute them to LEGACY token holders in the future (possibly through an airdrop).

Q10. Nature Vault’s main focus is fighting climate change and ecosystem damage. I wonder, have you collaborated with environmental experts to achieve this goal? Why do you think blockchain technology is the ideal way to achieve this?

We’re choosing to combat climate change with blockchain technology because of its unprecedented security and transparency. Blockchain is actually at the core of our tokenization protocol, NaturesGoldTM. To be exact, NaturesGoldTM refers to our process of tokenizing independently quantified gold preserved in deposits controlled through mining rights owned by Nature’s Vault.

Blockchain is the only mechanism with which we can tokenize these in-ground deposits because of its decentralized nature, and we chose to address climate change and reduce ecosystem damage through avoided mining specifically because of mining’s large environmental impact, whether that’s the large amounts of carbon emissions, acidic mine drainage, and devastation to the surrounding environment.

And this was the end of our AMA with Nature’s Vault.

If you have any questions you can ask here:
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