we hosted an amazing AMA with Opera Cake on the 28th of August

And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1. Can you please introduce yourselves as well as OperaCake ?
My name is Xanlin Baker, I am the Founder of OPeraCake Finance. And along side with me is my wonderful and brilliant colleague Lauren Jones.
Firstly, OperaCake is a cross-platform interoperable blockchain Defi system that allows trade settlements across multiple ecosystems allowing you to trade, stake, farm, and earn with ease.
The architectural model of Operacake is built on the secure Binance Smart Chain.
the reason we chose OPeraCake as the name to this project is mainly because we want to do more and better.
In comparison to Pancakeswap and Poocoin, which are well known name in DeFi ecosystem.
“Operacake Finance is a decentralized and sustainable token made to place its ultimate power in the hands of the community”. 👈 This statement goes to explain how OPeraCake Finance depends and willing to work for the betterment of its community.
Lastly, We are a team of engineers with the same idealogy to build an all time moonified platform that can be used by every DeFi user of every smart contracts blockchain.
Below is full details about OPeraCake Finance Token:
Token Name: Operacake Finance
Ticker: OPERA
Blockchain: BEP20
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 850,000
Smart Contract: 0x756ea1a083c01b325ca5980a6efd4753fc44b5f7
Team token locked for six months. Proof: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x51c5a2baa154bb9219bcf8a1f2a1a0c706d267fdb062f13fda9854d6171bb599
Q2. What are the advantages of Your project ?
We are a team of engineers, with several years of experience in the DeFi ecosystem, and have experienced the ups and downs of the DeFi ecosystem and crypto at large. We understand the system and which was one of the reasons we came together to bring OPeraCake Finance to the world.
Firstly, OperaCake is built under binance smart chain. It’s a project that put its community first before anything or changes that might occur in the future.
Below are few out of the many advantages that OPeraCake Finance Posseses.
- Having a low token supply: OPeraCake is a token with 850,000 token supply, and this is one of the ways we planned to give Opera token a value. If you observe, may DeFi projects are tagged valueless (Shitcoin), and this is what we want to avoid, by minting a token with low token supply
- Buyback mechanism: this is also one of the strategies we have to control Opera’s price when we list on exchanges. We have a mechanism in place to buyback Opera token when ever we list of any exchange. So for every listing on any exchange, expect a buyback from the team. This will in turn give Opera token more market value.
- OPeraCake staking and farming platform: currently, our staking and farming platform is under development and will be launched as stated on our roadmap.
- And lastly, OPeraCake Finance is a project for the people, by the people and of the people. This literally means that OPeraCake’s members/communities have a say when it comes to the project. Their concerns have effect on every change that will be coming to OPeraCake Finance in the future.
Q3 please tell us about the goal you want to achieve in this year
Our main objectives before the year ends are firstly, we want to build a strong communities from different geo locations and been able to communicate with them about everything about OperaCake. We have achieved most of this as we have communities for Arabic, Vietnamese and English language and we’re working on more.
Secondly, with the plans we have in place already, when we list, OperaCake will exceed $20 before the end of the year.
This year, we will be launching our Staking, Farm and Operacake Dex, Release of Operacake Wallet & Governance Token Launch, and as well as launching our IDO Platform, NTF Smart Contract & NTF Exchange. We have a lot in place this year that we are working on.
Q4. Every project has a story behind their name, Can you tell us more about the story
Firstly, OPeraCake Finance core members are in different geo location of the world. We met together because of the fact that we all have the same idealogy and interest.
we all wanted to have a platform that will be able to solve problems and do better than other projects that has been in the DeFi ecosystem.
OPeraCake came to mind when we discussed about Pancake as one of the projects that has dominated the DeFi ecosystem. And we discussed on how to have a token out there that can do all and do better. Hence, OPeraCake came to reality.
And here we will put best questions from our members and Opera Cake fans:
Q1) OperaCake is a cross-platform interoperable blockchain Defi system that allows trade settlements across multiple ecosystems allowing you trade, stake, farm, and earn with ease. How much is the maximum token supply of #OPeraCake? Are there no plans of burning?
We don’t have any burn mechanism set for OPeraCake
But buyback is one of many strategies to get OPeraCake to the moon. We have BuyBack mechanism in place.
This will be activated any time we list on new exchanges, and as well as when there is a drop in price of OPeraCake.
Q2) Which of these factors is most significant to you?
1-Raise the price and value of tokens
2-Development of an Empowering Platform 3-Establishing Community Trust 4-Expanding Global Partnership In what order should they be done?
There will be no OPeraCake Finance without its communities. So, Establishing Community Trust is most significant factor for us at OPeraCake Finance.
Addressing the part talks about Partnership:
Absolutely! We have multiple strategies and plans for marketing and partnerships, Pancake Swap listing and other mega launchings. I’ll give you a brief overview below:
-) At OPeraCake Finance, we are more concern about the welfare, security and investments of our investors and communities, for these reasons, among all other things, we will be conducting AMA sections twice a week, and this will be titled: “Talk we are listening”.
This a way, among all other ways to engage with communities all around the globe and attract the right Investors to OPeraCake Finance. We plan to do more mega launchings, but it’ll be at a bigger scale.
In addition, with the diverse background of our team, we have started targeting the Chinese, Vietnam and Arabic community. We plan to target communities all around the world! 🌍🌍
- Reddit exposure is our next target. It will be key for create the needed atmosphere or attention for our listing on Exchanges. We will trend on top Reddit crypto groups! 📈📈
- Our public sale is currently ongoing, I will advise you participate and wait for OPeraCake to be moonified! 💹💹🔥
- We have amassed interest from dozens and dozens of renowned YouTubers and Social Media influencers. OPeraCake Finance will continue to trend on social platforms to continue growing the OPeraCake Finance community.
- We have numerous Giveaways that will help market the project, starting from a OPeraCake airdrop for early adopters, to OPeraCake Finance Commissioned Officer🎖️ Reward, and many others we are planning to unravel.
- We have business analyst and marketing strategist on our team, they are actively working to secure sponsorship with fellow crypto Projects, secure investors and expand our partnerships with top platforms in the crypto space.
Mega launching coming to OPeraCake Finance, we have concluded listing discussion with Coinmarket cap and CoinGecko, and to be listed soon, as specified on our roadmap, and we are already in talk with CEX.
Q3) Where can I buy your tokens, what is your current contract, and how can I buy them. -What are the advantages, for me buying these tokens?
Currently, Our Pre-Sale is live, and to buy OPera token, you will need to click on any of the link below to see procedures on how to buy OPera.
Below is full details about OPeraCake Finance Token:
Token Name: Operacake Finance
Ticker: OPERA
Blockchain: BEP20
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 850,000
Smart Contract: 0x756ea1a083c01b325ca5980a6efd4753fc44b5f7
Opera is the New 1000X Gems, so investing in Opera Token you are sure of getting several folds of your input. We have plans and strategies in place to have Opera list at minimum price $20.
Q4) Will Opera Cake allow everyone who wants to participate or use with the project? Will it be open for all, or are there exceptions? If so, what are those?
OperaCake is for everyone that’s the main reason of us creating communities for everybody where they can communicate with us easily.
Q5) Can you provide me with a link where I can stay a little more informed about the news to follow up and thus be aware of the various updates of your project?
To stay up to date with the current and future happenings in OPeraCake Finance, then the links below are for you.
Q6) What is the tokenomics of your project. ?
Can you explain your Tokenomics to a layman’s understanding
Below is a detailed explanation of OPeraCake’s Tokenomics. Explain in details.
The $OPERA revolution is live and with our rapidly growing community of early adopters, it is only a matter of time before we are a renowned name in the DeFi space.
In the spirit of transparency, we detail the full tokenomics of the project in this post.
The total supply for $OPERA is 850,000 tokens, 10% of the total supply will be added as liquidity on Pancakeswap. Other centralized exchanges will follow afterwards.
Here is a breakdown of the current supply and the matching wallets:
-PRE-SALE (348,500 $OPERA): This is the total portion of the supply allotted for the crowd sale event. As token buyers send BNB into the smart contract, they automatically receive a proportional amount of $OPERA tokens from the wallet housing the public sale tokens. The crowd sale wallet also shows you the progress of the pre-sale by revealing the total amount of tokens that are still unbought. The presale wallet is 0xb93948c67873326b3cae5b1d86edbd7682ac09d1
-POOL & TRADING LIQUIDITY DEVELOPMENT (85,000 $OPERA): These tokens will be used to add liquidity on Pancakeswap and subsequent exchanges after the pre-sale. The initial LP tokens added to Pancakeswap will be locked for 4 years, the liquidity pool wallet is 0x4c998fbf088e9e2215ca1399e685ea54aeab9db7
-FARMING AND STAKING REWARDS (144,500 $OPERA ): These tokens will form the basis of the reward system of the upcoming OPeraCake Finance staking and farming platform. The Farming and staking rewards wallet is 0xe721003d58ece474d8e6eb67dce9774779690198
-MARKETING (68,000 $OPERA): These tokens will be used to promote the OPeraCake Finance ecosystem and secure listing in top-tier exchanges. The marketing wallet is 0xfdc0009742844ff714ec80928433ca7dd0555e03
-CAMPAIGN AND COMMUNITY: (127,500 $OPERA) These tokens will cover community efforts like airdrops, bounty programs and developer grants for work on the OPeraCake protocol. The airdrop tokens currently being disbursed from the crowd sale wallet will also be replenished from here. The Campaign and community wallet is 0x77f32d59b9044a5b1bdba9a02e8bcea2999c65c8
-DEVELOPERS(7,000 $OPERA): These tokens are for the developers. The team behind our smart contract website and other technicals.
-TEAM(68,000 $OPERA): These tokens will cover remuneration for members of the team and offer them stakes in the project. Team tokens are locked for six months to further guarantee the stability of $OPERA’s price. The team tokens are currently in a locked smart-contract. You can verify here; https://bscscan.com/tx/0x51c5a2baa154bb9219bcf8a1f2a1a0c706d267fdb062f13fda9854d6171bb599
Q7) What is the tokenomics of your project ?
& How can I buy your token?
Currently, our Pre-Sale is live.
To buy OPera token just click the link below to see the procedures on how to participate in our Pre-Sale.
Q8) What are your targets in 2022 for the CRYPTO COIN? Will Cryptocoin enter the NFT industry in the future? Are you also thinking about adding an NFT to your portfolio?
In crypto everything is possible. Currently, there is an integration going on already between NFT and Crypto-coin, so it’s going on already.
Currently, we are working on developing our NTF Smart Contract & NTF Exchange and this will be launched this year 2021.
Q9) Airdrops are best for marketing optiona of adoption.Do you have any airdop promotions ongoing by your project?
So, OPeraCake Finance project is essentially based on integrity and full transparency not only when it comes to the support channels, but also in security.
That includes locked liquidity from the beginning (Liquidity locked for period of 4 years), continuous communication, audits(in motion) and tokens buyback.
OPeraCake Finance is here for the long term! Its community supports long-term development which will lead to real utility, big payoff and popularity.
On top of that, as I mentioned before, to give an extra layer of protection to investors, we will be having our own Swap platform, which is currently under development, and it will be launched as stated in our roadmap, where users can only see the project related assets needed (e.g: BNB, BTCB, ETH Token and WBNB).
Feel free to check our website for more information. https://operacake.finance
And this was the end of our AMA with Opera Cake .
If you have any other questions you can ask here:
ℹ️ℹ️ Useful links ℹ️ℹ️
Website :- https://operacake.finance
Medium :- https://operacakefinance.medium.com/
Twitter :- https://twitter.com/OperacakeFi
BSCScan :- https://bscscan.com/token/0x756ea1a083c01b325ca5980a6efd4753fc44b5f7
Whitepaper :- https://bit.ly/3srfDTS