we hosted an amazing AMA with Orion Cash on the 26th of September
And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1. Can you please introduce yourself as well as Orion Cash ?
First of all, My name is Roshan, I’m the CEO of Orion Cash, I’m the one who build Orion Studio.
I’m also the person incharge of marketing, if you have any good proposal, please let me know.
Our team is located in Germany and India, and the studio is now expanding. Send me your resume if you are a skilled developer and wish to work with a pro group.
We are always happy to working with more talent people.
Q2. What are the advantages of Your project ?
Orion Cash is a decentralized multi-chain yield optimization platform that continuously enables users to earn compound interest from their crypto assets.
Compounding is what make Orion cash great, investors don’t need to worry about the fees anymore, cause the protocol will take care the rest, the harvest, the stake, even the gas fee.
The automated market-making project like Orion cash can maximize investors return from various liquidity pools.
Q3. please tell us about the goal you want to achieve in this year.
Partnership and marketing is our primary goal this year, Good project needs good marketing.
It’s crucial under the bear market
All trading volume are going down, market are shrinking hard. It’s getting harder and harder to get people’s attention nowadays.
Just like I mentioned before, we are working hard on the marketing plan and promotion, dm me if you have good proposal.
Good partnership can really boost up a good project.
By the end of the year, we hope to gain 20+ community as partner, and 100K daily trading volume.
This is the first week of Orion cash, our daily trading volume is around 15K, boost the liquidity and volume is our primary goal this year.
Q4. Every project has a story behind their name, Can you tell us more about the story behind this? Who are the team behind this project? can tell us their background?
Orion is a bright galaxy in the universe. We are named after him, and we hope Orion cash can shine on Polygon just like Orion does.
I build Orion studio this year, even we are a new team, but all members are experenced developer and the team still expanding.
The team now located in germany and India, we need more developer to join us cause we have more to offer.
Orion cash will live on different chain soon, that will be ton of work. But worry not cause Orion studio is a group hard-working people.
With the years of DeFi experience, the team will bring the best Orion cash to the community.
Q5. NFT is one of the hottest and most sought-after topics in the blockchain space right now. Can you share your opinion on NFT with us? Do you think NFT will disrupt the current financial system? What is Your project’s approach to the NFT sector?
I may have to disagree with this, NFT trading volume are going down with the market, I don’t think bring NFT into Orion cash is a good thing right now.
At least not right now, the market might getting better someday, and NFT will be trending again,After that we can bring NFT on the table.
Until then, we will focus on the compounding and yield farming.
Orion cash is a earning aggregator after all.
And here we will put best questions from our members and Orion Cash fans:
Q1. Marketing is a central element of every project,Orioncash so that everyone knows that the potential that a project can bring is vital for goal setting.#OrionCash What are your strategies for attracting new users and investors to your platform and keeping them longterm #OrionCash ?
Marketing and partnership means everything to a project, good marketing means big trading volume.
Trading volume is every investor’s concern. The trading volume of Orion cash is 15000 everyday, we will try to boost it to $100000 by the end of this year.
Orion cash have partner with 5 Defi media and influencer for promotion.
We will spend more money on the influencer and KOL, the investors of Orion cash will be much more by the end of this year.
Make sure you check out https://twitter.com/OrionCashDefi for new partnership announcement.
Q2. I saw that many projects were unstable for a short period of time. At first, they started with hard work & good attention, after a few months later they didn’t pay attention to this project. Then it ended there. how do plan to survive in the market?
The main purpose of Orion cash is to help investors gain through long-term investment.
Yield farming and staking is the best long-term investment strategy.
All the staking will goes to Quickswap, earned Quick token will swap to LP automaticlly by Orion cash.
The reward keep compounding and growing, how can anyone resist the unstopable earning platform like Orion cash.
The best is that all the earning are not from Orion cash liquidity provider, Quickswap is the one offering profit to the Orion cash community.
Q3. Orion cash aims to build a huge cash empire that can exceed many existing products. What products do you consider to be your competitors in the space currently?
What makes Orion Cash superior to other products currently available? Why should investors choose Orion Cash?
The main product offered by Orion Cash is the Vault, where you can stake your crypto assets.
An investment strategy tied to a specific pool will automatically increase your token amount by compounding any yield Farm Reward Tokens back to the assets you initially deposited.
Orion cash been called one-click earning platform, earning, swap is all available on Orion cash platform.
The convenience of Orion cash far exceeds all other products, so we also believe that Orion cash will have a place on the polygon in the future.
Every step users need to perform can be quickly solved on Orion cash platform. Time is money, Orion cash helps users save a lot of time and energy.
Q4. How does Orion integrate the liquidity of all exchanges? Does this occur only with those associated with Orion? Or does this have the ability to use Cex liquidity pools even if you do not have an alliance with them ?
The current Orion cash liquidity is on Quickswap, because we believe the best place to start a decentralized protocol is on a decentralized platform.
But this does not mean that Orion cash will give up centralized exchanges, because every successful project needs a centralized exchange to support.
At the end of this year, when the number of users of Orion cash is larger, the team will spend more money to find centralized exchanges as partners.
Q5. Could you name some competitive advantages of #OrionCashDefi that makes it comparable to other metaverse platforms? What are the benefits to attract users to the virtual world and interact with on the platform?
Orion Cash has several critical advantages over other yield optimizers in existence.
Orion Cash returns most of the platform revenue to users holding ORC tokens.
The APY of the Orion Cash yield optimizer is very high, and its performance is better than that of many competitors in yield farming projects.
Orion Cash is a once-and-for-all yield farming platform that works quietly in the background while generating income. While users join Beefy to automate and maximize the ROI of their holdings safely, Orion Cash offers a vision where a group of people with strong technical backgrounds can safely and together build the future of global finance to surpass the giants in the traditional financial industry.
Q6. What is the Best way to follow all your upcoming news and updates?? What are your plans in coming Future??
We update our information daily, you can always follow our social media, it’s important to keep yourself update cause our Airdrop started today, you can claim free xORC from our website.
Q7. How many team members do you have?
Do they have enough experience in the blockchain field?
Do they have any experience on working in crypto and non-crypto project?
The team are well experienced, we have 5 developers working with us this year, and still expanding, by the end of this year the team will be around 10 people
Q8. How old is Your project? What are the major plans ahead? Could you show to us image of your roadmap?
Orion cash is a new project listed last week, we are still under genesis period, the APY are high during the genesis, make sure you join the earning.
Q9. Where i can get all the latest news about ? Do you have Twitter/Telegram/Discord community? If yes can you share the link here because there is a lot of fake telegram/twitter groups?
We have Telegram , discord and Twitter to update the information, we were thinking open the reddit to gain more publicity.
Q10. Are your project tokens listed on any exchanger? Have you started selling these tokens? How can we buy this token?
You can swap your USDC to ORC from quickswap, the price of ORC is pump crazy now. We are 100% up since the listing, earning from staking is also a way to gain ORC token
And this was the end of our AMA with Orion Cash.
You can find us here:
Website :http://Orioncash.org/
Telegram Community :https://t.me/Orioncashfinance
Twitter :https://twitter.com/OrionCashDefi
Discord :https://discord.gg/RjBJw6gzP7
Medium :https://medium.com/@OrionCashDefi/orion-cash-litepaper-d6d79d30435
Audit :https://github.com/TechRate/Smart-Contract-Audits/blob/main/September_2022/Orion%20Cash.pdf