we hosted an amazing AMA with Play Music on the 6th of August
And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1. Can you please introduce yourself as well as Play Music ?
Our project is an application that allows you to earn while listening to music. You can do all the normal activities of the day and earn while listening to music. The great differential of our project is in the quality of the time.
Q2. What are the advantages of your project?
We have a functional and very easy to use app that will allow all investors to earn while listening to their favorite music.
Q3. please tell us about the goal you want to achieve this year.
We want to give an experience to all investors who plan the project. Our marketing team is working 24 hours a day. We are partnering with large communities in the cryptocurrency market around the world for pre-sales and post-sales. We believe aggressive marketing and app launch will make our project attract thousands of investors.
Q4. Every project has a story behind its name. Can you tell us more about the story behind it? Who is the team behind this project? can you tell us your past?
Our team is made up of experienced people in the financial market who will add a lot to the project. Specialists in marketing, cryptocurrency market, computer technicians. the team is based in America and Belgium.
Q5. NFT is one of the hottest and most sought after topics in the blockchain space right now. Can you share your opinion about NFT with us? Do you think the NFT will disrupt the current financial system? What is your project’s approach to the NFT sector?
The NFT project will be established as we close partnerships with artists, musicians, DJ’s known worldwide.
And here we will put best questions from our members and Play Music fans:
Q1. Marketing is a central element for every project, #Playmusicearn so that everyone knows the potential that a project can bring is vital to achieve the goals set. What is your strategy to attract new users and Investor to your platform and keep them long term.
We know the importance of marketing and we are investing heavily so that marketing is done in a perfect way, reaching the great centers of the financial market.
Our marketing team is working 24 hours a day. We are partnering with large communities in the cryptocurrency market around the world for pre-sales and post-sales. We believe aggressive marketing and app launch will make our project attract thousands of investors.
Q2. PARTNERS are the most important that strengthen the ecosystems of all projects. Could you tell us about your ” #playmusicearn ” project partners and the partnership strategy it has adopted?
Our marketing team has already made contact with several names of music known worldwide to make a partnership. Big names will join us. Large communities in the cryptocurrency market are already talking about us and are joining our community.
Q3. You say that for every minute of music we listen to on PlayMusic we will be rewarded, but what systems do you use to ensure that people will actually listen to music with your platform instead of just putting an eternal playlist on autoplay?
Our app will be available working 100%. You will definitely earn while listening to music on your cell phone, no matter if the song is repeated, you will always earn!
Q4. CAN you explain how is your Tokenomics Distribution? How many tokens Will be minted ? And How many tokens Will be locked by the team???
✏️ TOTAL SUPPLY 100,000,000 PLAY
🔎 Token Play Music
30% listen2earn
3% airdrop
2% team (opens in 1 year)
8% staking Music vesting 60 days
33% presale
23% Liquidity
1% burnt
Buying TAX is 4% (2% International Partnerships and 2%rewards)
Selling Tax is 4% (3% Liquidity and 1% rewards)
Q5. Almost 80% investors have just focused on price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term?
the real motivation to invest in our project is the incredible platform that we are going to make available. This will make investors stay on the project for a long time.
Q6. Current market conditions create uncertainty and increase the level of Playmusicearn’s vulnerability that scares investors, how can you mitigate and deal with the effects of these conditions so that your project can come out of the water and be sustainable in the long term?
in the worst conditions the best projects are created, the best companies, every crisis is a moment of opportunity, PlayMusic is innovating the market, we will close partnerships with influencers in the musical world, PlayMusic is already audited but as soon as our application is ready we will be requesting an audit of Certik so that it can bring more security to investors
Q7. What is the biggest strength of your project, can you share with us your vision that makes it different from the competition?
I didn’t see many competitors to our project today, I know similar projects but with a high market value, I believe we will have a great project in the long term, our differential is that we have a very interactive platform, this gives us credibility. Believe in playmusic, it’s something revolutionary in the world of digital music
Q8. Is your #playmusicearn project a local project or a global project? Can anyone use your services from anywhere in the world?Where can I buy tokens now? What are your contracts, and how can I buy them and what are the benefits?
Our project is a Global priority, but we don’t want to grow absurdly in the beginning, we want something sustainable in the long term, today you buy through the pinksale link, you can buy a minimum of 10 dollars and no maximum for purchase, We work to bring security and comfort to investors, and we are already listed on Coinmarketcap
You can find through the Site, whitepaper and social networks
Q9. Where can I find the best information about this project?
Q10. Trust is very important in business, what makes your investors, customers and users feel safe when working on your project?
Today our project is already listed on coinmarketcap, we have audit, KYC and SAFU through the pinksale platform, today our wallets are locked and we don’t have access to tokens, believe me this is a great project to invest in
And this was the end of our AMA with Play Music.
You can find us here:
Website :http://playmusic.tech/
Pink Sale :https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0xC3D096E69C9Cfc13f42c6f3B3281804f5F66B3fd?chain=BSC
Telegram Community :https://t.me/musicplayweb
Twitter :https://twitter.com/playmusicearn
Discord :https://discord.gg/9gBemJF652
Medium :https://medium.com/@playmusic1
Reddit :https://www.reddit.com/user/PlayMusicEarn
YouTube :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjlcGD5Wg5ISRwhx7hcOrJg
CMC :https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/playmusic/
Whitepaper :https://playmusicearn.gitbook.io/playmusic/