we hosted an amazing AMA with Pyromaniac on the 29th of August

And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1. Can you please introduce yourself as well as Pyromaniac ?
Hi guys, and thank you for having me here today!
My name is Manny and I’m from London, England. My background is in sales and I’ve been involved in cryptocurrency for around 7 years now. We have a team of 7, all with professional expertise in their roles – including business development, graphic design, 3D modelling and social media.
We started the project because we feel the world is broken and the people have been forgotten. Only the rich people/companies and governments benefit whilst millions of people are living in poverty, starving, can’t get access to clean drinking water. It’s an unjust system and our aim is to put the power back into the hands of the people as we believe when we act collectively, we can reach our aims.
We have a fully DOXXED team and the image is provided above of everyone!
Q2. What are the advantages of Pyromaniac project ?
⭐️ We are the first NFT x Charity token ⭐️
Advantages of the product are that the project is centred around NFT collectible characters, each of which have a special ability that correlates with a charity sector. They now use their powers to help those that once faced the same problems as them. Each week, we will release a new character and charity partner. At the end of that week we will donate 25% of the NFT sales plus 2% of all transactions of our token.
We started the project because we feel the world is broken and the people have been forgotten. Only the rich people/companies and governments benefit whilst millions of people are living in poverty, starving, can’t get access to clean drinking water. It’s an unjust system and our aim is to put the power back into the hands of the people as we believe when we act collectively, we can reach our aims.
Q3 please tell us about the goal you want to achieve in this year
Fantastic question, we have a 12 months operations plan in the works leading up to next July 2022, where we aim to host in Comic Con London 2022.
Our main priority is a successful launch and establishing a good community of characters and charities. We aim to build our reputation, and have members of communities such as Save the Children on board to assist with this. Our future expansion plans include new exchange listings, NFT marketplace, an app, a trading card game all feeding into our token and working within the Pyro ecosystem.
Q4. Every project has a story behind their name, Can you tell us more about the story
The name is derived from the cultural figures – Guy Fawkes and V (V for Vendetta). Their ethos was centred around an anti-establishment mentality and they sought to fix issues in society by actively taking on the government. Whilst we share their ethos, we will not take on the government – we realise this is futile, so instead we will take things into our own hands and establish our own movement that will help people.
We are fully aware of the connotations of our name but we specifically wanted to form a strong brand identity that was different from other charities and charity coins. Something that people won’t forget. Something that can also bring people into the project via different avenues. We aim to serve a multitude of target markets, enabling us to leverage a large portion of the cryptocurrency community, and eventually breaking into the mainstream. ☄️
And here we will put best questions from our members and Pyromaniac fans:
Q1) Do you see yourself as a community-based charitable token? If so, when do you intend to make your first charitable contribution? Which component of the charity will you support, such as animal shelter or feeding programs? Is it possible for the community to suggest a beneficiary?
Whilst charity is a core element of our project, I wouldn’t pigeon hole us as solely a charity coin. We see ourselves as much more. In fact, we see ourselves as more than a cryptocurrency – we want to start a movement for change, a community where people can share in the same vision and strive for the same goals.
However, regarding the charity aspect – Every week, a new and exclusive NFT collectible is launched. Each NFT is a member of the PyroPack, Pyromaniac’s own band of original heroes. The antiheroes will have their own special ability and unique theme that determines which charity sector Pyromaniac will donate to. The chosen charity will then receive a portion of NFT sales plus a portion of all transactions for that week.
So every week we will choose a different charity sector that our character represents, meaning by holding Pyromaniac tokens you can donate to all types of causes, not just one.
So yes in future animal shelter community is defiantly possible!
We have already completed a $20,000 Charity donation to Save the Children – please see the link to the live stream here – https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1131115336
Q2) I did read that Pyromaniac will operate 2 lottery draws every week: the NFT draw & the BNB draw. What are the steps we must follow in order to participate in each of them?Can we participate in both at the same time/only one? How many NFT’s will be contributed to the lottery draw?
You have to be part of 2 NFT Lottery draws, we have the first one today! You just have to hold $100 worth of PYRO tokens and thigns will be selected in a automated lottery draw. You can be part of both – 5 NFT’s a week and 10 winers fo $100 BUSD each
Q3) Your project is fantastic and good idea and each project has interesting stories before it is created. So can you tell people about the story, problems, difficulties, that gave you the motivation to build and develop a great project like “Pyromaniac” ?
Our project is very unique. We are merging three extremely popular and important markets – Charity, superheroes and NFT’s. This in itself brings in a range of people and will allow the project to grow exponentially due to those market sizes.
In terms of development against other crypto’s – again we are doing something very unique and I will explain. Many cryptos have huge communities but fail to leverage this to generate real business profits in addition to the cryptocurrency. We will do this, and we will share those profits with holders. This benefits holders and also allows us to venture into the mainstream market to pull in first time crypto investors.
Long term the key plan is to explore onboarding mainstream investors. Our brand will provide a gateway into cryptocurrency for those that are interested in superheroes, or like our clothing brand (to be released soon).
First, we will need to remove barriers to entry. That begins with creating a buy portal on our website for our tokens. This will remove new cryptocurrency users needing to learn how to use PancakeSwap and the intricacies that come with it. Down the road we will develop an app that brings all the elements of the project together, enabling users to seamlessly buy tokens with their card, thus eliminating the usual barriers to entry. Alongside of this we can begin mainstream marketing channels alongside professional groups, enabling us to tap the majority of the world that are currently not invested in cryptocurrency.
Q4) NFT is becoming more popular nowadays. It seems that NFT has a bright future. So do you have any plans to include NFT in your project?
The project is centred around NFT collectible characters, each of which have a special ability that correlates with a charity sector. They
use their powers to help those that once faced the same problems as them. Each week, we will release a new character and charity partner. At the end of that week we will donate 25% of the NFT sales plus 2% of all transactions of our token.
We started the project because we feel the world is broken and the people have been forgotten. Only the rich people/companies and governments benefit whilst millions of people are living in poverty, starving, can’t get access to clean drinking water. It’s an unjust system and our aim is to put the power back into the hands of the people as we believe when we act collectively, we can reach our aims.
Q5) Many lotteries nowadays are lacking transparency making users skeptical if there really was a draw going on. Would the draw be live where users are able to see it? How can you make transparent draw to establish & gain trust from the community?
We will be recording the random lottery generator to ensure fairness across the board. We completely understand that we need to be transparent we are a fully doxxed project and will always ensure to make sure that people will know we keep things honest and consistent thoughout the whole project!
Q6) Do you have Whitepaper if yes please share it with us and secondly do you have plans for pre-sale? Where can we join it??
Yes we have a Whitepaper, please see here for it – https://b5fca6af-4af1-4f01-9d66-9c034361f645.filesusr.com/ugd/99a893_bba54f2fcf124ff8b39f9fef8bde6c88.pdf
Our project is already live on pancakeswap! Click here to buy $PYRO https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x54D0a5010D09AaBC1f429A159d1931007f4c7a6b
Q7) As I know this project is relatively new. Can you tell us about the progress you have made so far??? What has been the most important update of the moment and what are you currently focused on?
⭐️ What we have done so far 🌟
🏆 Done our first charity donation to Save the Children of a total amount of $20,000!
🏆 Released the first PyroKid collection
🏆Successfully launched our project with one of the best communities I’ve ever seen
🏆 Done daily AMA’s answering any and all questions
🏆 Sold out first NFT from our collection – Pyroshi #1 for 5 BNB and PyroKid #1 for 4 BNB
🏆 Listed on CoinGecko within 12 hours (fast-tracked)
🏆 Awarded the prizes of our SweepWidget competition
🏆 Onboarded a successful American marketing team with a fantastic track record
🏆 Opened a Chinese Community with a look to hyper-drive marketing
🏆 Opened a community for our Vietnamese members
☄️ What’s to come ☄️
🚀Our first 3D model of Pyrogirl will be released soon 👀 we know there’s a lot of demand for this one
🚀Our first Lottery for $PYRO Holders
🚀NFT Marketplace development
🚀CMC Fast-track applied for
🚀Blockfolio top trending for listings
🚀Twitter crypto focused Influencers posting about us – this includes verified ones with a real following
🚀YouTube Reviews – including UP NEXT CRYPTO
🚀TikTok Promotions
🚀Reddit top-trending CMS + subreddit posts
Q8) Have You being audited? Have not heard you talk about that security of fund is what every investor craves for and plans to escape incase of insecurity if funds, scams and rug pulls how strongly built are your security put in place?
Yes we are fully audited and published on TechRate – https://t.me/pyroannouncements/58
We work hard with all security functions to ensure we are complying and the safety of our investors is number 1 to us
Q9) Collaborations and partnerships are some of the most important cornerstones to help improve adoption. Can you tell us about your current partners, plans for partnerships and what everybody stands to gain from these partnerships?
Initially, the partnerships with major charities will provide a huge level of legitimacy and excellent marketing content. In addition to this – we have spent the past month building a database of Twitter, Youtube and Tik-Tok influencers. Our marketing tax will allow us to implement this from day 1 of launch. We have signed an experienced crypto marketing team that are currently working behind the scenes. Their recent projects include Sportemon-Go and Ultimo GG.
Long term the key plan is to explore onboarding mainstream investors. Our brand will provide a gateway into cryptocurrency for those that are interested in superheroes, or like our clothing brand (to be released soon).
Q10) Where can I buy your tokens now,, what are your current contracts and how can I buy them and what are the benefits???
Buy it on pancakeswap!
And this was the end of our AMA with pyromaniac.
If you have any other questions you can ask here:
ℹ️ℹ️ Useful links ℹ️ℹ️
Website :- https://www.pyromaniac.io/
Medium :- https://medium.com/@Pyromaniac.Official
Twitter :- https://twitter.com/Pyro_Tweets
YouTube :-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxkwcZXJNXCadSYfq26nO4A
Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/Pyromaniac.Official/