we hosted an amazing AMA with Qrkita exchange on the 12th of October

And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1. Can you introduce yourself to our community?
My name is Agustinus Santoso, ceo of Qrkita, and I enjoy IT and cryptocurrency world and finding ways to help them have an uplifting experience since 2012. We start qrkita in june 2021, then expand to Qrkita Exchange to bring more customer in our platform. We have had a variety of product to Boost our community. Please learn all about us in docs.qrkita.exchange
Q2. Can you briefly tell us what is Qrkita Exchange ?
We Are First Online Qris Platform In Indonesia. Qrkita Provides The Latest Technology For Online And Offline Merchant To Boost Their Sales.
Qrkita Is Intended To facilitate Non-Cash Transactions, Encourage Financial Inclusion, Promote MSMEs, So That In The End It Can Encourage Economic Growth.
All Merchant Can Make Transactions Using QR Not Only Wholesalers But Also Small Traders Such As Meatball Sellers, Vegetable Sellers And Others Throughout Indonesia.
And Finally, Our Initial Token Offering / ITO Crowfunding Platform Based On Existing Project As A Bridge Between Fiat And Crypto Community All Around The World.
Thats our goal
Q3. Let’s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans?
Road map
Phase 1
Team Creation
Project Conception
Smart Contract
Project development
Phase 2
Seed and Private Sale
Public Sale On Cex And Dex
QRT Audit
Phase 3
Start Merchant And Partnership Reward
Start Farming, Staking And Pool Reward
Apply Launchpad
Apply Coingecko
Apply CMC
Apply Top Local Exchange
Apply Other Exchange
Phase 4
Merchant Expansion
Global Partnerships
ITO Initial Token Offering Base On Real Existing Project
Nft Mining
We are still in presale but we make sure the roadmap is 90% ready in phase 4 which our holders will be able to enjoy
Q4. Every project has a story behind their name, Can you tell us more about the story behind this? Who are the team behind this project? can tell us their background?
Qrkita means Qr Code For Us in English
We bring all Latest Technology in crypto world Combine with our Merchant so it will bring more user to crypto world
The main actor is Ceo my self, but we have team to developt each ecosystem to support our community here
Q5. NFT is one of the hottest and most sought-after topics in the blockchain space right now. Can you share your opinion on NFT with us? Do you think NFT will disrupt the current financial system? What is Qrkita Exchange’s approach to the NFT sector?
About NFT
We have QRT Gaming Platform
You create your hero, upgrade your hero, join mining in hero pool to get reward
Please check this
And here we will put best questions from our members and Qrkita exchange fans:
Q1) Many investors hit and run in the sell and sell session after listing on the first exchange, How did QRT coin prevent early investors from selling their tokens and what benefits you would give them.?
We have vip holder reward for holder more than $3500
QR-Army, hold/stake until 1 December will get extra reward
Nft hero mining pool ready to deploy
Staking Pool Active After Publish ApR 300% ++
Qr Booster from qrkita.com to buy back Qrt from market
Q2) AUDIT play an IMPORTANT role in enhancing the stability of any PROJECT. Do you have AUDIT CERTIFICATES . Or are you working to AUDIT your project to make it more secure and reliable?
We have 2 audit done by external team for this project
- From enebula limited global audit
- from Policetech ltd local audit
Please check docs.qrkita.exchange for more detail
Q3) Increasing demand for the project token in the market for each project is one of the keys to success. What is your team’s strategy for the $QRT token to become more valuable over time and its demand increasing continuously?
Our Qrt ecosystem will answer that
1.Merchant qrkita.com (running)
Qrt will be a reward for each Transaction from our Merchant .
2.Cex trade.qrkita.exchange
Qrt as a main token, user who want to list their bep20 token will purchase some QRT
3.Dex dex.qrkita.exchange
4.Pool pool.qrkita.exchange
Qrt farm and Pools like other platforms
5.Nft bsc.pactswap.finance/nft
Buy hero with QRT
Level up your hero with Qrt
Mining pool for your hero, get Qrt
Sell your hero in any nft market after that
Please check and determine QRT value from all feature above, you can buy now in our presale platform
Q4) Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, Within a short/long time of release. Is your project also like this? If not can u tell us, What makes your project different from other projects?
Here are some reasons why you should trust us .
1.Our project already running, no fear of failed project by the owner
- Qr Booster = Every Transaction from this product will buyback QRT from the market to help stabilisation of QRT price
- QRT Nft Gaming Platform
Buy hero, upgrade hero, mining with your hero, sell nft hero - partnership done with p2bb2b + more partnership coming soon.
- Global Community already over 30.000 subscriber for now @qrkitaexchange
Q5) I can understains that Qrkita is payment platform. Payment alternatives are generally fast but high cost, does Qrkita payment platform suit the needs of minority merchants or can it be used as an affordable payment alternative for small and large merchants?
- We Are First Online Qris Platform In Indonesia. Qrkita Provides The Latest Technology For Online And Offline Merchant To Boost Their Sales.
Qrkita Is Intended To facilitate Non-Cash Transactions, Encourage Financial Inclusion, Promote MSMEs, So That In The End It Can Encourage Economic Growth.
All Merchant Can Make Transactions Using QR Not Only Wholesalers But Also Small Traders Such As Meatball Sellers, Vegetable Sellers And Others Throughout Indonesia.
So yes, qrkita is suitable to small and large merchant as our description above
Q6) •I want to invest to your project..
•Where i buy your token right now and how can I buy them and what are the benefits?
•Which wallet support your token?
Yes this is your best time to buy
We still Presale phase rate 0.00021 usdt per Qrt
After this we will Publish phase at cex and dex rate 0.0007 usdt per Qrt
Thats 300% in few days
Please signup at qrkita.exchange
We support all bep20 for wallets like trustwallet and metamask
Q7) PARTNERSHIP & COLLABORATIONS are the backbone in making every project more widespread. Can you list some of ur partners with us.more we can know you habe a
We start First global Partnership with P2pb2b-PactSwap, the result is Our QRT Hero Mining pool, please check bsc.pactswap.finance/nft
And many of partnership will come to QRT to give benefit to our community
Q8) Where are you tokens listed ? Have you completed listings in coingcko and cmc???
We still in presale phase now
But fortunately,
We have listed in Latoken, P2pb2b-PactSwap, cmc
And we already have negosiate with top 3 exchange in cmc for your Guarantee, dont miss this opportunity
Q9) How will you generate profits / income to sustain your project and what is the revenue model? How will it benefit your investors and your project?
Our platform will get fee per transactions Base on our smart contract, and all ecosystem we have prepare
Q10) Do you have tutorial videos so we can get to know your project more clearly or do you have a YouTube channel or something? if yes please shear with us
Yes please find all your needs in our Official channel @qrkitaexchange
Last statement from us
15 Oct is our last day for presale, grab your best price NOW, God Bless You All Crypto Titans Community 😊
And this was the end of our AMA with Qrkita exchange.
If you have any other questions you can ask here:
ℹ️ℹ️ Useful links ℹ️ℹ️
Website :- https://qrkita.exchange/
Twitter :- https://twitter.com/qrkitaexchanger?s=09
Telegram official community : http://T.me/qrkitaexchanger