we hosted an amazing AMA with RichQuack on the 29th of July

And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1) Can you please introduce yourself as well as RichQuack ?
Hello everyone, my name is Zach and I am the community manager for RichQuack. RichQuack is a Deflationary, self-generating automatic liquidity that pays out static rewards to holders.
Q2) What are the advantages of Your project ?
We are 2 months old and developers never sold a QUACK. We do not dump on our community! A lot of investors come running back to us, simply because they got rugged & dumped after going after the next shiny thing in the cryptoverse. When they realized that Quack is still here, they come back to us. Also the team always delivered and have over delivered so far. We are way ahead of our roadmap. The dev completed all Q3 2021 Roadmap tasks on day 1 of Q3, so we updated a new roadmap on our site.
Q3) please tell us about the goal you want to achieve in this year?
Our main goal is to launch all of our utilities in late Q4 ,or if possible a lot sooner! Then we will Push harder on Marketing Campaign. We will also help incubate and launch other successful SAFU projects with QUACK Launchpad and make a lot of money for our QUACK family.
Q4) Every project has a story behind their name, Can you tell us more about the story ?
Everyone wants to get rich quick, but few are willing to do whatever it takes to EARN it. Rich QUACK is a play on words, a fun way for us to mock those people who do nothing, complain and expect other people, destiny, or even God? To give them everything in life.
Here is some disclaimer before you join our Get Rich QUACK movement. Hope all of you understood by now that if we don’t work hard together, it will not happen. The only way we can all get rich QUACK is by working together as a community. We want to create a supportive and motivated community of holders who are ready to work hard, contribute & risk it all for our one common goal! Get Crazy Quacking Rich Together!
And here we will put best questions from our members and RichQuack fans:
Q1) You want to create a community of motivated and supportive owners who are ready to contribute to your ecosystem, but what is the most attractive benefit you offer to users, so that they decide to stay in your community and believe in your working model?
RichQuack is a community driven project, the biggest parts in growth is a healthy community. One of the many great things about RichQuack is how the community is viewed more than just a group of people interested in a project, they are viewed as family. You can go back and look at the Doge community, theirs is the same way. This is a benefit that allows investors to feel more welcomed, respected, and cared about over many other communities. Another huge benefit is how active the community is with RichQuack. I, myself and a few of the developers are in the chat most of the day/night to answer any questions new comers may have, and there many longtime investors who are willing to help lend a hand as well. People who are interested in a project like to see activity and questions being answered, it gives them a sense of feeling that the working model is really cared for and legitimate, so being active in the chat and always helping out really is a key component to a healthy community and project.
Q2) Many projects are claiming themselves as Community Driven. The community connection projects have, mostly change drastically after their token launch. Is RichQuack really community driven? How important is the wishes and feedbacks of the community for you?
RichQuack was a stealth launch, meaning there was no pre-sales leading up to launch. RichQuack, since day one has been all about the community and still is, from the community members spreading the word about the project, and all the way to self-made marketing of RichQuack by making their own YouTube videos, reddit posts, tweets, etc. We wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for the great community and supports that we have.
Feedback is always important, that goes for any project that wants to thrive to become better. For RichQuack feedback is very important and the developers have listened to a lot of feedback already and have made some great changes that will help members of this community even happier.
Q3) What is the next big step for your project?
To answer this question fully I would like to share some information from the recent post from the developers:
“The devs are currently working on pool smart contract for our launchpad, also UI Design for the launchpad. We can expect to finish the pool smart contract by next 2 weeks, then we will start doing staking. And last but not least, we will do our first DAO together. We are proposing a new Tokenomics for QUACK, and every holders will have the right to VOTE for it.”
This is just a few big steps that the developers are doing for RichQuack and for the community. You can also check out this post here: https://medium.com/@richquack/richquack-weekly-newsletter-july-26th-2021-c97e48b524a2
Q4) Currently, most projects and platforms are in English. How will RichQuack reach non-English local communities? Does RichQuack have any plan for them to better understand your project?
RichQuack has several non-English speaking Telegram communities already in place. We have the following Telegram groups:
Chinese Group / 中國組 🇨🇳 : t.me/richquackcn
India Group 🇮🇳 : t.me/richquackindia
RichQUACK Germany 🇩🇪 Official Group
RichQUACK Persian 🇮🇷 Official Group
RichQUACK Arabic 🇦🇪🇸🇦 Official Group
https://t.me/richquackarabic <–
RichQUACK Balkan Official Group 🇭🇷🇧🇦🇷🇸🇲🇪
RichQUACK Indonesia 🇮🇩 Official Group
https://t.me/richquackindo <–
RichQUACK Nigeria 🇳🇬 Official Group
https://t.me/richquacknigeria <–
RichQUACK French 🇫🇷 Official Group
t.me/richquackfrench. <–
Q5) Is it true that this project will be the next Dogecoin?
I will put it this way, we have a very strong community that is a family, just like Doge. We have a development team who has put out a great roadmap and are trying to improve by listening to the feedback from the community, whereas Doge does not. RichQuack also has a fixed number of tokens in circulating supply, Doge does not. So, we will just have to keep hoping so.
Q6) Can I buy your tokens right now and also which wallet support your token?
Yes you can purchase RichQuack right now. For the wallets, you can use Trust Wallet or Metawallet. Personally I think trust wallet is better of the two, but that is my opinion. We use pancakeswap for our token, and you can also purchase on Hotbit, Dextools, bogged finance, and poocoin.app. You will just need to sync your wallet to those exchanges to do the transfers.
Q7) Many investors are seeking short term benefits rather than long term benefits. What benefits are for long term investors and early adaptor of Invest your project?
Since crypto has gotten more awareness this year due to the news and social media, many who are new to crypto think that they will make a lot of money quickly in a short amount of time (the short term investor) but for real and legitimate projects such as RichQuack we aim for the long term holders. If you are a long term holder or an early investor you will make more profits than a short term investor and that goes for almost any investment, stocks or crypto. Long-term holders will benefit from the 5% rewards from just holding, which in return will allow them to accumulate more shares and resulting in more profit.
Q8) Can you indicate a feature or feature that you like best about the platform so that it can compete with other competitors? What are you most confident about for your platform? Do you have plans to get users to choose your platform?
I would like to say that the biggest feature that we have over the competitor’s is the Blackhole design. RichQuack was the first to introduce the Blackhole design. The Blackholes design is where over 52% of the total amount of shares are in the Blackhole and can never be touched again. Also with each transaction, 5% of the transaction will be sent there as well. Basically, this lowers the amount of shares that can be purchased, resulting in scarcity, which then results in the price to increase per-share. The road map can be viewed on the website: https://richquack.com/ and since it has recently been updated you will get to see the new and current roadmap. On our roadmap we have updated it a bunch from the feedback given back from our community.
Q9) One of your programs named “Mega Quackpot” is caught my eyes, but seems like this program is only for $Quack holders. so could you explain in more details how this program works and how much $Quack that we must to hold to be Eligible in this program?
Yes the Mega Quackpot is going to be a huge raffle that will be done. 20% of the profits form RichQuack platform will be raffled off, so the more Quack you hold the greater chances of winning, and of course it is random. You can read more about this on our website and the whitepapers as well.
Q10) Does your project also provide a platform for Dex, STAKING and Farming in future plans? To increase profits for coin holders, when would you consider integrating other blockchain into a project like BSC, HECO? Any plans for higher coverage?
We are currently on DEXtools.io. Staking is something the developers actually just announced they are currently working on, which is fantastic! Since we are listed on CMC, CG or next focus is to try and get listed on more but of course that depends on market cap and pricing. RichQuack has big plans and goals to get listed on many more exchanges, but with in the first 2 months of launching and we are now on two of the biggest Coin markets and a few exchanges, I would say that is a great step in the right direction!
And this was the end of our AMA with RichQuack.
If you have any other questions you can ask here:
ℹ️ℹ️ Useful links ℹ️ℹ️
Website :- https://richquack.com/
Discord :- https://discord.gg/madYcV4GNV
Twitter :- https://twitter.com/richquack