we hosted an amazing AMA with storm bringer on the 14th of November

And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1 Can you please introduce yourself as well as Storm Bringer ?
Hello everyone, I’m so glad for having us here today! I’m John Pap. and I’m one of the developers of Storm Bringer token. Our team have already did some successful crypto projects, but this one is a lot more organized and a lot more effort is put into it.
Storm Bringer is an brilliant and very long term idea that we had. We intend to not be a small value token, and be forgotten in a few days! Our expectations are getting bigger and bigger every day, as you guys giving us your positive feedback and kindness! We are putting our 101% effort every moment, trying to find the best moves from our project. The two platforms that will be held through Strom Bringer, will be next-gen and they consist some services that are missing from the market.
Q2. What are the advantages of Your project ?
I’ll answer to this question by giving an abstract from the platforms that we will develop. We believe that from the moment someone develops a project in the world of cryptocurrency, there is actually little to no particular apparent reason for anonymity. Our platform will help this cause by making a light KYC for the creators and developers of each and every project, without their details considered mandatory to be published, at least not if they do not wish so. Also, investors will have the extended ability to take good investment decisions, should they not require to waste precious time on digging into contracts or reddits-of-subreddits and countless hours of social channels filtering.
The second platform will be the first multichain token tracker. Αll the new tokens in one application with the possibility of direct comparison in one chart. None of these platforms exist and we think that people need them in order feel more comfortable with investing and developing.
Q3 please tell us about the goal you want to achieve in this year
Our first step this project, is the success of our PRESALE which will be 19/11 on DXSALE platform. After this, we will apply to the biggest listing platforms such us CoinGecko and CMC. You can see the rest of the road map at our Whitepaper: https://impossible-bracket-9c5.notion.site/STORM-BRINGER-8d2784f19edb4ac4924fc76848648898#9ccfa18fde084f31b3cc6bfb5e684c68
Also, the roadmap: Release the STORM at DXsale platform.
November 19, 2021
Applying to all major cryptocurrency data aggregators, CoinMarketcap, Coingecko, Blockfolio etc..
November 20, 2021
Major Twitter marketing move, using the the Marketing Wallet.
November 20, 2021
Fill out applications for WHITEBIT, BITMART and other big exchanges. Also, making more big marketing moves.
December 5, 2021
Starting the main developing part of our application and platform
January, 2022
Searching for major partnerships and investors for our platform
January, 2022
Launching of the beta version of our application and our platform.
January, 2022
The presale will have 1000 BNB hard cap and 0.1-2BNB contribution.
Q4. Every project has a story behind their name, Can you tell us more about the story behind this? Who are the team behind this project? can tell us their background?
A story stated a long time ago, as we were mining some cryopto, I think it will be about 10 years from that time. We met each other at a crypto blog, in a discussion that we had. From that moment we knew that we had to do something real big. The idea behind this name, is that this project will be huge in a very little time, that’s why we say it Storm Bringer. We are 2 developers, 2 marketing and 2 economy analysts currently. We are trying to keep the 3 sub-teams isolated so we can work in the right way on the project.
And here we will put best questions from our members and Storm bringer fans:
Q1) Your presale is on the 19th. Since less than a week is left, can you explain how should we prepare ourselves to participate in the presale? What are the minimum and the maximum limits of purchase? Is there a KYC process? Further, please let us know the price per token in presale?
The presale will be 19/11 on DXsale platform! Hard cap will be 1000BNB and contribution will be 0.1-2 BNB. The presale will be public, so everyone will be able to participate. The details of the presale will be published very soon and the link will be given few hours before presale starts in order to avoid being botted.
Q2) Developing a new platform always requires a lot of research and effort. We see, most of the project just clone of an existing project. So, IS Your project clone of an existing project or is it built from scratch? If yes can you please introduce the team behind this Development?
The platforms that we will develop, are totally unique. We have already started the development of the first platform and we are in a good way so far. As I said before, we are 2 developers, 2 marketing and 2 economy analysts currently, and we are ready to get over every difficulty we may face. The budget is enough too.
Q3) Storm Bringer will make KYC “light” for creators & developers. What features would you like to bring? What exactly is “light” KYC & what makes it different from other KYC systems? What benefits will this Light KYC give them that cannot be obtained from the KYC they use?
Well, light means that every developer has to pass an Identity test, a Video chat test and the contract has to pass an Audit from us
The developers will choose if the want their info to be published or no
This will ensure that if someone wants to invest in a coin, it will be totally scam-free
Q4) Which one of these aspects is important for you? 1-Increasing Token Price & Value 2-Empowering Platform Development 3-Building Community Trust 4-Expanding Partnership Globally In what order?
I would say that the Empowering Platform Development, is the most important of these. If the platform works well and has every feature that we want it to have, then the others will come too, there is potential to.
Q5) Right now , the market is adjusting sharply, the risks are very high but also a great opportunity for development projects. What are the characteristics of your project, and how is your development strategy to be able to compete and rise to the top among other projects.
We were very patient about the time that we will start this project, and we believe that this is the right time to do this. Our projects is unique and very well built and organized. We believe that this is the most important part.
Q6) Do you have a whitepaper? if yes please share it with us and secondly are you working to AUDIT your project, to make its security more secure and reliable?
Sure! You can read our whitepaper here: https://impossible-bracket-9c5.notion.site/STORM-BRINGER-8d2784f19edb4ac4924fc76848648898#9ccfa18fde084f31b3cc6bfb5e684c68 and take a look at our website here: https://storm-bringer.com We have already did an Audit from TechRate and we will do a Certik one too!
Q7) How can I buy tokens from your project? Will you have a program to sell tokens to users in the near future?
Well, the presale is 19/11 on Dxsale, but when presale ends, everyone will be able to trade it via Pancakeswap. Also, we have some mechanism that helps holders. You can check our mechanism at our whitepaper.
Q8) Is your platform suitable for crypto beginners? Or does it only limited for professional users ?
Every new and existing token will be able to be listed on our platform. The existing tokens/coin must pass the light KYC to.
Q9) Do you consider community feedback/requests during the creation process to expand on new ideas for your project? Many projects fail because they do not understand the target audience and customers. So I want to know who is the ideal consumer for your product?
This will be one the main reason that will do livestreams. The first reason is to be more doxxed and the second one is to answer people’s questions and share ideas. We want people that will invest on our project, want to have long and big earnings.
Q10) Are your developers are anonymous? When do you intend to become public?
We will upload videos and photos of ourselves probably today. Also we will do livestreams in order to be more published and people feel more comfortable to come to our family.
And this was the end of our AMA with Storm bringer.
If you have any other questions you can ask here:
ℹ️ℹ️ Useful links ℹ️ℹ️
Website :- https://storm-bringer.com
Twitter :- https://twitter.com/stormbringerbsc?s=07
Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/stormbringertoken/
Medium :- https://medium.com/@StormBringerBSC