we hosted an amazing AMA with StrongNode on the 10th of August

And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1. Can you introduce yourself to our community?
Daniel Saito :- Hi, My Name is Daniel Saito. I have been working with computers as far as I can remember. I started at age 8, and been riding every computing wave from the creation of the personal computer to the first dot com wave, second dot com wave, and all the way to crypto. I am and my team are seasoned entreprenuers and have multipule exits in our experience. Our largest exit to date was with MySQL, which sold to Sun Microsystems for $1B and later sold to Oracle for $7.5B. Only for us to quit and recode the MySQL database from scratch and rerelease a MySQL competitor within 1 year and called it MariaDB. Which powers Facebook, Google, Booking.com, and Wikipedia. It is the default database of choice for developers as its a key and crucial component in the LAMP stack.
We are seasoned as startup CEOs around the world as we have had speaking engagements from conferences (Orelly to Websummit) to universities (community colleges to M.I.T.) we have consulted with early companies like facebook and twitter and help design their data models. So we are industry experienced, as we worked within datacenters to data rooms in finding the best way to handle data in a open source way.
But Open Source is hard, we struggled alot. Our challenges back then was how do you make money from Free software. Well we proved it with a billion dollar exit.
We wanted to reiterate on that train of thought and here we are of getting the best of the best in open source products and build a product with a token economic layer.
So with that said the team I had the pleasure of working with at MySQL and MariaDB I brought along Colin Charles, our CTO who I have had the pleasure of working with over the past decade. He was an early employee of RedHat Linux and took it public. We think we know a thing or two when it comes to open source and now we have a token eoconomics on our side to help innovate. Along side of me is my gradeschool friend of 35+ years who over saw ticketing infrastructure for the Beijing Olympics and operates all fleet management at FORD Motors, he oversees network and infrastructure, and finally Gil who heads our product, he comes from Adobe and has decades of product management experience.
Our recent hires have been the former EVP at Electronic Arts who will oversee Marketing activities.
and a CFO who is a Harvard / Wharton Grad who worked as an auditor for a leading fortune 500 firm.
So I build an ALLSTAR team of technologists and marketers and finance operatives.. what next well here we go..
GB :- And the team is very excited to be working with Daniel, who is in a class of his own 💪
Gil Bashan, Chief Product Officer here, lurking 🙂
Q2. Can you briefly tell us what is StrongNode?
Daniel Saito :- StrongNode is a Infrastructure as a Service solution. The idle resources that are not used on your desktop PC while it is on standby mode can be refurnished to earn you money. There are billions of consumer devices that are kept plugged into a electric outlet. Out of these billions of consumer devlces some of them have silicon and network connectivity (PC / laptops / smartphones). When your mobile phone is plugged in and in a wi-fi environment and it can function by becoming a receiver, by taking small shards of data to be processed, verfiied and resent to the broadcaster. After the broadcaster confirm receipt the broacaster pays the receiver StrongNode tokens for completing the task/job.
Up to now most NODES based services want to tackle the low hanging fruits because its of value to crypto aware folks. This is the common buying a $10k Mining rig and keeping it up to mine ETH or BTC. To me that is irresponsible in the way energy is used and compute resources are provisioned. We know we can do better. There is enough data that needs to be processed that is mission critical and still get paid to help process this.. This is where StrongNode comes in.
When StrongNode first started out we spoke with our customers and problems we wanted to solve. We wanted to introduce the world the capability Green Mining more sustainable means of using this valuable resource of compute. We wanted to democratize the power of compute, and be able to have anyone contribute their resources regardless of whether if you have a super computer in your basement or have a smartv connected to the Internet. We wanted to solve problems of NOW and with the recent pandemics we spoke to genome sequencing laboratories, as their overhead cost for computes were increasing and making it hard to effectively look for trace markers to detect COVID. They wanted an alternative and StrongNode will be providing them with cost effective compute resources to do genome sequencing for COVID. Real world use case and we bridge and solved it with crypto.
In summary our early investors are our customers. They have plans on using the token as utility and embed it into their internal workflows of getting the value out of token.
Q3. Let’s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans?
Daniel Saito :- Ok let me see. How can I represent this the best and original. Let me do it with emojis!
1️⃣ Come up with an 💡! ✅
2️⃣ Develop a Proof of Concept! ✅
3️⃣ Hire and build out a team! ✅
4️⃣ Identify customers, onboard them as investors ✅
5️⃣ Build Product 🙆🏻♂️ (ongoing)
6️⃣ AMA on CryptoTiTans
7️⃣ IDO in September
8️⃣ 🚀MOON🔥
GB :- We have brought on many amazing platforms launching from our ideation lab that will power and be powered symbiotically by the StrongNode Edge Network.
Daniel Saito :- Post IDO, we have Staking and AMM farms as well.. Also as @gb3737 mentioned that we will be launching projects from our incubation labs. Where these projects embody StrongNode technology.
GB :- We are focused on bringing on top quality platforms to leverage our technology and be part of revolutionizing edge computing
So far the platforms we have lined up are focused on gaming 🎮, entertainment 🔥 social impact 🙏 , lifestyle 💪, and many other industries
Daniel Saito :- A good example from one of our current incubating project is $OGL (OGLIFE) short for Original Gamer Life. This is a eSports Gaming platform community for ages over 40+ and veteran gamers. We plan on onboarding GPU access by adding this digital footprint onto the network, as they will bring gaming on the EDGE and as we will launch game servers at the EDGE. Fullfilling my goal in life of creating a low latency gaming network for gamers amateur and pros alike can benefit from.
Q4. Every project has a story behind their name, Can you tell us more about the story behind this? Who are the team behind this project? can tell us their background?
Daniel Saito :- I was told that my life can being something you would watch on Netflix. Like I said, I started computing at age 8. I learned programming by 10, I contracted with Merrill Lynch writing a derivatives software calulator in turbo pascal. I came online around 12 years old, and started running BBS (bulletin board system) and had two phone lines coming into my house and providing a community online off my self built PC. I made money in the early 80s selling pirated software on my bike going door to door selling software on floppy. I was addicted, my partner in crime back then is now my VP of Infrastructure. We went down this path of embracing technology and ended up in some difficult situations, we eventually presevered bonding a relationship for life. Throughout my journey I was able to work on great project with great teams. Dropping out of college I found myself on the ground floor of the worldwide web by developing the first browser at Netscape. Which went public, as the first Internet company to go public. I went to Japan to start an ISP as the Internet had not started back then. It was my job to connect the world. This eventually led to a $50M exit and went to launch 2 satellites for News Corporation, developed the SEGA Dreamcast and co-authored MPEG-4 specification for France Telecome R&D. Eventually for me to come back to Japan to research at NTT DoCoMo R&D and write the hardware / software / protocol archtecture documents for the security enclave for 4G wireless systems. (what everyone takes for granted when authenticating their mobile phone) this was developed a decade ago. Aftewards went to start MySQL in a empty room in my small apartment and well after a slew of working with great people and projects here we are!
Q5. DeFi is one of the hottest and most sought-after topics in the blockchain space right now. Can you share your opinion on DeFi with us? Do you think DeFi will disrupt the current financial system? What is StrongNode’s approach to the DeFi sector?
Daniel Saito :- Let me add one more thing to this. This network we are building is a build up of my career. Everything I have worked and built on, is a culmination of my life work of research and building network that would last the test of time of 100+ years.
I remember when Professor Muhammad Yunus *world’s banker to the poor” pioneered the concepts of microcredit and microfinance. DeFi, has so much potential to become the ring bearer of such task, the so called social movement of taking financial responsibility in their own hands. Financial education is important, learning tools that DeFi has to offer has endless potential to enable the unbanked a chance to compete in an a FIAT hungry world.
How StrongNode will address DeFi, is that the token will be designed with DeFi in mind. We will program a reflect code into the smart contract where all transaction are taxed. This is minisule but a tax small enough that can compound and do its DeFi magic and have enough capital to conduct buy backs and or commit a certain amount of funds to create a SAFU fund to insure the vaults in event of a economical attack against the farms.
(Gil) as the Chief Product Officer can add more to the special sauce as he not only over sees Product but he is our lead inhouse degen trader who undestand the best practices in DeFi
GB :- We will be posting more info on the token itself soon. Stay tuned in our chat
And here we will put best questions from our members and StrongNode fans:
Q1) Written on the website that #StrongNode will operate in a B2B and B2C business model. Could you share with us, what #StrongNode products are suitable for B2B and which #StrongNode products are suitable for B2C? as individual customers why do we need a #StrongNode?
Daniel Saito :- As I have answered before, the B2B approach is that any business can become a node, they can onboard their data for processing. Idle resources are a common place between companies and individuals. Business (broadcaster) will stake their $SNE token to get their data processed as the end user (receiver) will process that shard of data. Upon completing the task, the business (broadcaster) will pay for processing the data shard.
GB :- B2C platforms with power and be powered by the network. The resources will be utilized by different industries that need cheaper, faster, and more secure compute power
Businesses will want to utilize these resources and will be able to do so the traditional account receivable payment route as well as incentivizing these businesses to use the token more over time, for additional benefits in pricing, etc
Q2) Unlike many projects that starts with marketing, yours began with product development, which gives you a significant edge. Could you tell us about the incredible product you’ve created so far and how it’s positioned to solve the current DeFi problem? When are you going mainnet???
Daniel Saito :- Great question, yes. We saw the world fall apart infront of us. We were secluded and we thought how we can build something that can make a difference. Do we want to do this again? Do we want to risk the personal reputation of everything we built. The answer is here today with us speaking to you. We as humanity has been with posed with an existential threat to ourselves, we have to stop looking inwards and start thinking outward to see how we can help even if its not much. Do our part in helping the world, this is where we come in – its ambitious and only can work if we work together to for a common cause. In this case its COVID. We went to where we can add value and where we have core knowledge and built something where labs can benefit and be more cost effective and optimize their workflows internally. Who wouldn’t want to be apart of that. If we don’t get your crypto to get you started. We can definately use your silicon and power.
We can see us branching off on our own blockchain but we want to scale first, after POLYGON, you can find us on SOLANA, Polkadot via KUSUMA. But we build first on POLYGON and build a base first expand out and onboard other chain ecosystems. With that we can start thinking of building our own chain.
Q3) Your platform appears to be capable of generating a large amount of data about user preferences and habits. Are you going to use that information to make money?
Or do you intend to use them as a secondary source of income in the future???
Daniel Saito :- Well our platform is limited on who we see as a “user” on the system. We will only see you as a wallet address and what devices you have connected to that wallet. We don’t have immediate plans on monitizing on user data, its not in our manifest – its not our core business. But definately you can hear from us if you are registered with us, about our up coming incubation project and how you can participate in it, or be an early user of the solution.
For example, if you go through our StrongNodeID kyc system, we have a unique model that has not been used before. After onboarding user registration, the user would need to KYC themselves through a 3rd party. This data stays with the third party, we get an authentication token from them that KYC has been approved and passed. This allows our system to generate a unique nontransferable NFT thats associated with their wallet. This wallet will track their devices on their network and all the necessary metadata needed, so you can get that log in with facebook / log in with google user experience.
This NFT will act as a token/passport to enter the node network and operate within the system. We will also use it to broadcast messages on the network and be able have secure messaging on top of it so nodes can talk with nodes.
So in summary we are innovating each part that we interface with a token and break down the barriers of entry of crypto and realworld use cases. This prevents “user shock” that they are doing something that they are unaware of. Crypto is hard, we get it. Its our job to make it easier to understand and to accumilate.
We also onboarded great UI / UX developers and designers. Who want to ring in the next wave of crypto adopters.
By the way, we are always hiring great talent by the way. We hire the best of the best from around the world. DM me for more information.
Q4) A large part of the project’s achievements is community support. Programs that interact with users are found in almost all projects. Does STRONGNODE have a specific purpose to care for and improve the community, apart from improving the user experience?
Daniel Saito :- We are firm believers that community builds product. We learned that at RedHat when launching Linux. We learned that when we launched MySQL we weighed in on our community to evangalize the product, we hired from community, we had our community write our documentation. They did it all free. Why? Because it added value to their daily lives in what they do. They wanted to share that information for other to adopt it and learn from it and prosper from it. Community is the root of our success. Fun fact at the time Sun Microsystems decided to acquire us, we were in the 6th year of our business as MySQL. We were deciding to take the company public as an IPO on NASDAQ. We had $40M in revenue and monthly reoccuring revenue of millions. We earned that from our community of supporters.
Enter the world of tokenomics and StrongNode. Where we take the best of the best implementation of Open Source projects and tokenize it with StrongNode build it out as a service in our infrastructure would endless. Look at github, its full of code (granted they have the proper licensing).
Q5) I read that you plan to have your AMM farm available at the time of the IDO to bet and earn StrongNode tokens. So, can you give more details about this farm? Can you give information about the StrongNode IDO? How users can participate in this IDO?
Daniel Saito :- One more note. We will also be open sourcing our software later after it gets audited by 3rd party. So the whole crypto community as a whole benefits from the code contributions.
Yes, we have plans to have AMM after IDO and we will have various forms of staking. We have been talk with various liquidity providers on POLYGON and we are working on solutions to get great APR/APY on our farms. As we are developing our AMM on all custom code, which will be audited by the RUGDOCTORS auditing team.
You can participate on this upcoming IDO is by visiting starter.xyz and by reading this medium article you it will walk you through the process of whielisting yourself to participate on the StrongNode IDO. https://starterxyz.medium.com/guide-how-to-take-part-in-the-strongnode-edge-ido-on-starter-c09233aa3d70
You can expect the IDO to take place the last two weeks of September. For more information I recommend following StrongNode’s telegram channel https://t.me/strongnodechat
Qَ6) Do you have any Coin Burn / BuyBack systems or any $Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract Investors to invest?Do you have any Coin Burn / BuyBack systems or any $Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract Investors to invest?Can I buy your tokens right now, and if so, which wallets do yoou support? Can you tell me about your team’s history? How will you and your team complete this project in the midst of the current pandemic (COV-19)?
Daniel Saito :- The manipulation of our coin through the use of burning isn’t something we are planning on the short term. I see burning the token as a race in a downward spiral. But I also understand the value in it of taking tokens out of distribution and hence manipulating the cost of the token that way. My take on this is that I am look long term as a project. To me its about token distribution, the more the token is distributed, the more chance the token will be around longer. Burning the token will be after we hit a certain infliction point in the number of wallets and transactions. As each transaction (which this app will be transaction heavy) will be taxed the proceeds from the tax goes into token buyback for redistribution to its token HODLr.
Q7) I have seen many projects recently appeared, and they died because of lack of liquidity and confidence in developers. How do you convince investors about this problem?
Daniel Saito :- Well we wanted to address this problem with working with people we worked with in the past we know their work ethics and their style. We are all professionals here we are in it as a business. Infact the taxation that we are proposing on all transactions a portion of the taxation will go into a SAFU fund to protect the vaults we have on our DeFi play.
Q8) AUDIT play an IMPORTANT role in enhancing the stability of any PROJECT. Do you have AUDIT CERTIFICATES . Or are you working to AUDIT your project to make it more secure and reliable?
Daniel Saito :- Yes, we are planning to have everything audited. The AMM and majority of smart contracts will be audited by the RUG DOCTORS. The source code will be audited by a 3rd party auditor and our financial books will be audited as well by our CFO. So. yes, we check, we double check and triple check our work. If that fails we also plan to employ company like HackerOne to track bugs and bounties and do pen. testing on our network..
Q9) StrongNode has a Fivefold Profit, and the one that interests me the most is the Innovation Lab. Why is OG life only for military veterans and experienced gamers aged 40 years and over?
GB :- Original Gamer Life (OGlife) is among one of the innovation lab projects that we are VERY excited about. It will be a thriving-as-a-service 🔥 gaming platform that will help people live longer, happier, richer lives. Although we will focus the content on 40+ and people with high stress jobs who can benefit from it most like veterans, doctors, nurses, fire fighters, etc., it will be open to most outside of those groups! https://t.me/originalgamerlife
Q10 ) A lot of users are not good at English, does your project have a community for Non-English people?Do you have any plans to add NFT’s to your ecosystem as this is the hottest topic in the crypto space???
GB :- Yes, NFTs will play a big part of our solution. As we have it in our User Registration process, we will roll out how NFTs will be used on our platform, which will span from game specific NFTs to Music NFTs.
Q11) Covid-19 has a bad impact in almost every sector. So, as a crypto projects how did it affect you? How you and your team have done the work in the pandemic?Where can I buy your tokens now. What are your current contracts, and how can I buy them and what are the benefits???
GB :- COVID-19 helped us realize what is important to us, and what we can offer to the world despite being handicapped at home in seclusion. We looked around us to come to the realization the answer was right infront of us all along. We acted on it and developed a solution that can pose to make a difference. We were motivated through the passion of pushing technology to the fullest as well as mankind.
And this was the end of our AMA with StrongNode.
If you have any other questions you can ask here:
ℹ️ℹ️ Useful links ℹ️ℹ️
Website :- http://strongnode.io/
Facebook :- https://www.facebook.com/StrongNodeEdge
Twitter :- https://twitter.com/strongnodeedge
Linked :- https://www.linkedin.com/company/strongnode-io
Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/strongnode.io/
Youtube :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6zRpdZWP2Zyj3-Ma_8DKuQ