we hosted an amazing AMA with TetraHedra on the 1st of September

And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1. Can you introduce yourselves to our community?
indeed… so my name is omar am the main developer and founder of tetra hedra
our team members each has his own experience and tasks in the project
such as
project development
use cases adoption
each one of us is experienced and fully dedicated to accomplish his tasks where all the results fall into one place
Q2. Can you briefly tell us what is TetraHedra ?
the name of tetra hedra tells all about the project
tetra hedra is not a simple token
we are adopting use cases that we truly believe they will be the next mass adoption world wide for example
NFTs wether farming/creation
cold wallets which are extremely undervalued especially by new crypto traders
as we all know NFTs are likely to replace many social media applications in the near future the main reason is having the exclusivity to own a photo/video
without having two owners at the same time or invading copy rights
therefore competing in such a field is crucial to sustain
Q3. Let’s now talk about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans?
our first milestone started before even launching our presale
we dedicated two weeks prior to presale
just to start an awareness campaign not about the safe investment in tetra hedra but also in acknowledging our members
Q4. Every project has a story behind their name, Can you tell us more about the story behind this? Who are the team behind this project? can tell us their background?
the name tetra hedra it self describes the 4 faced/4 angles that refers to a scientifical measure
which also describes our four main goals
we will be opening an office in dubai within 2 month
where our team will be hosting investors face to face in our office/conference rooms
where we start spreading awareness to our use-cases and its importance
like i mentioned earlier each one in our team has his own experience
combined all together we are driving our project to another levels outside the ordinary tokens that are existing daily without any purpose or actual use
at the same time were trying our best to stay away from the ordinary hype
which will drive more holders than driving scalping traders
And here we will put best questions from our members and TetraHedra fans:
Q1) what I read from the #TetraHedra project. Each transaction is subject to 10% tax. I think this is a pretty high number. why did you choose a starting rate of 10% and where will this 10% be distributed? Do you plan to reduce this number in the future?
the 10% transaction rate actually does more good than harm
first it will prevent scalping our charts as you know many day traders like to buy and sell repeatedly therefore a 10% transaction rate will surely make them sustain their positions by holding more than trading
in addition to that 5% out of 10% goes directly to the liquidity pool which will help in stabilizing our prices and avoiding volatility
our backed up percentage is almost 22%!!!! which is a very good percentage
Q2) technological and commercial perspectives, how can traditional companies be integrated into the blockchain? What are your plans for traditional companies that continue to exist with their own systems?
tetra hedra will continue to adopt more use cases as the project expands
therefore we will not only be contained in a small field to compete in
we will continuously adopt and interact with all changes that occur in crypto field
we also tend to creat our own block chain where other coins can use our block chain to function
Q3) It says, One of the ways to generate more passive income here with tetrahedra tokens is by NFT farming. So can you elaborate with us how your #NFTFarming works? Where I can acquire the $TTH tokens to stake and is there any minimum amounts we need for the staking?
yep… thats true
soon all tetra hedra’s holders will be able to stake their tetra hedra on unitify where they will get redeemable points to win nft
where they can sell them on a secondary market
in this way we encourage investors to hold their tth tokens more
Q4) I am a crypto investor and I only care about prospect of a crypto that I chose, tell me the reason why I should choose your token over the existing one? What is your token advantage that can convince me to change from my favorite token?
first of all you should take your time to check all the safety measures before even thinking about investing
tetra hedra has a locked liquidity
locked small dev wallet of only 5%
which gives and equal chance for investors to own the same percentage
this is one of the ideal approach where investors and owners can both own an equal percentage which gives them an equal responsibility to work on their investments as one force
Q5) There are many projects in the crypto market who have cloning another project, making utopian promises but whose main intention is to get rich just by selling tokens. Do you have realistic, creative & original aspects that distinguish you from these neg ?
yes indeed
first of all its not about cloning or creating a project
its more about how this project is functioning and how the process moves forward and having the ability to adapt to changes
at the end of the day the crypto market it self is volatile and many changes occur along the way
our backed up percentage assured that our prices are constantly getting more stable on both sides buying or selling
as for our use cases
it all depend on how to manage and present them more than just creating new roads
you could a own 10 grams of gold but you can never know how to shape them into necklace to wear it
therefore we are shaping every use case that we adopt in a way that we see its going to bring big results not only financially but also from a safety side
Q6) I saw that your platform was built using BSC platforms at first. What prompted you to extend and start instead of keeping to one platform and building your project? Is it also planned for $TTH to join any other blockchain in the future?
in fact we might start our own block chain if the project expands in the way that we are planning it
Q7) Any future plans and partnership with big companies? Where are you guys heading?
indeed we are in the process of manufacturing our own cold wallets with our logo (tetra hedra) on it
this also includes partnering up with other marketing companies since we will have a tangible product between our hands
Q8) Do you have any buy back or token burning mechanism to help boosting the value of your token??
nop we refuse to do a buy back system
we have a direct liquidity back up from my technical perspective its more efficient
Q9) DO YOU have any top priorities for next three months and roadmap of available?
yes indeed road map is available on our website also in our white paper
Q10) Where does the project name come from? What does it mean for you and why did you choose that name for your project?
because it represents the four main goals for our project so the name fits perfectly our description
And this was the end of our AMA with TetraHedra.
If you have any other questions you can ask here:
ℹ️ℹ️ Useful links ℹ️ℹ️
Website :- https://tetra-hedra.com/
Twitter :- https://twitter.com/TetraHedraTTH?s=09
Facebook :- https://www.facebook.com/TetraHedra-100894752243644/
YouTube :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZdwGX_X481N3MkEIBfJxNA
Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/tetrahedra_official/?utm_medium=copy_link