we hosted an amazing AMA with world peace on the 31th of July

And here we will put some of the best questions:
Q1. Can you please introduce yourselves as well as World Peace Token ?
Justin : https://t.me/CryptoTiTans0/1464897
Q2. What are the advantages of Your project ?
Justin : We are World Peace Token. The greatest token has come to the Defi space. We believe in honesty, transparency, and community engagement. That is why we allow our Investors to select which charity raised proceeds will go to. There are no limitations to who we can positively impact around the world. We are also working with local businesses, so they can list their products on our “Green Exchange,” our developing website (where customers can exchange WPT and other crypto currency for real products. This is revolutionary utilization for the entire crypto space. Further, our devs will be doxxed before the presale, liquidity will be Locked. Honesty, transparency, and prosperity for all of our investors!
We are a well versed team with great dynamics to add.
Chris is a Financial advisor by profession.
Bdawg has promoted many great social media projects.
And I am a doctor, my passion is to help others, and through this coin WE can impact people all around the world
Q3 please tell us about the goal you want to achieve in this year
Justin : World Peace Token WPT was formed for what the name implies – Sharing World Peace and Peace to each investor in these turbulent and volatile markets. We allow our investors to choose where the donation money goes from each transaction instead of being stuck to one cause. We will do this by allowing our token holders to vote biweekly on which charity they want to support. Our community is adaptive and controls the impact that they can have around the world just from holding WPT. Not only this, but just from holding, investors gain passive income (from our 3% Redistribution). Spreading peace and wealth is what WPT is all about.
We aim to work with many charities. We have 3 currently lined up before launch, but we want our community to decide where the donations funds are allocated. In this next year we will grow and expand, and show the WORLd the true utility of cryptocurrency
Q4. Every project has a story behind their name, Can you tell us more about the story
Justin : World Peace Token believes in uniting people and investors from all around the globe. The project had humble beginnings but ambitions goals. We believe that all of our investors should have a voice and a vote. That everyone invested in WPT should have a say where their money goes, and which directions the project should head. We will have the connections to top influencers and companies and our community will be the backbone of our company
We believe that everyone, no matter where you are from, can unite together and make positive and powerful changes 🌍☮️
And here we will put best questions from our members and World Peace fans:
Q1) How did you determine your target audience when you started your project, which countries or regions are you currently focusing on, and what is the reason for your choice?
Brian: World Peace Token not only wants to help people from all over the world, but also attract investors from all over the world. For this reason, we try not to focus on specific countries or regions when selecting our target audience. We instead aim to target anyone who wants to make a positive impact in the world (whether interested in crypto or not), and anyone who wants to see more utility in the crypto space.
Q2) Will there be a public offering for World Peace? How to get tokens in the fastest way in the early bird? What are incentives of $WPT Token bring to community and investors?
Justin : We are pleased to announce that tomorrow will be our Presale, at 2pm EST. It will be SUPER LIMITED. So we recommend anyone that is intersted to join our TG and have their BnB ready. The biggest incentives are our impact around the world and also becoming the Amazon of cryptocurrency.
Q3) CAN you explain the background of your team? How will you and your team carry out this project during this current pandemic????
CMack : Our team has built a solid foundation through a variety of professional backgrounds yet what brings us together is not just our love of crypto, but our passion for making the world a better place for all! With Dr. Shiba’s medical pedigree, to BDawg’s innovative skills with social media platforms/promotion and marketing, and my knowledge of the financial sector, our team has an array of skills to help World Peace Token take off and become the next best token in crypto! Despite the rocky environment during COVID-19, our squad has not missed a beat and are working tirelessly around the clock every day to make this project a success, and bring wealth and prosperity to our community while also helping save the world one noble cause at a time!
Q4) As you stated in your site, The RFI Static Rewards, A generous 3% of every transaction is automatically re-distributed to all holders. Can you elaborate to us RFI Static Rewards? Are there minimum holding of world Peace token?
Justin: 🌍There is no limited to who can the 3% rewards! If you hold a little or a lot, you can still get passive rewards! We are an all inclusive community, so we share the benefits to ALL of our holders ☮️
Q5) What makes you care about the state of the earth today? Why did you choose to create a project on the blockchain for a charity? Do you have support from local government?
Justin : We care about the Earth because there are a lot of issues that we are facing in the world today. From climate change, to homelessness, to hunger – we plan to tackle all of this as a community. We care because we all inhabit this earth no matter where you’re from.
Blockchain is ideal because of its speed, security and efficiency.
We support the people who back this project and all the beautiful people of this world
Q6) I am interested in your project? When and where can I buy your tokens?
Justin : We are having our Public Presale tomorrow 🚀
2pm EST.
Have your BnB ready and be QUICK. These are the only requirements
Q7) While you build your project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands?While you build your project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands?
Justin : Our community are the ones who’s who decide which charities we donate to. We believe that everyone’s voice is powerful and important for our project
Q8) As you build your project, do you take into account community feedback and demands? As you create your project, do you take into account community feedback and demands?
Justin : I have our Linktree below where you can find our telegram, Twitter, Website, Instagram, Discord, and TikTok!
Q9) You mention on your website that 20% of your total supply already burn before launch, but I saw many projects similiar with yours and they burn more token than yours. My Questions, is 20% maximum burn for your project or you will burn more token in the future in term to attract more investors to invest in your project ?
Justin: We are burning 20% initially, and then as we hit major milestones as a community we will burn more. We already have a limited supply compared to other tokens, 100 Billion. So when we partner with Bug influencers post billboard – we will burn even more to increase the value for all of our holders
Q10) What are the types of users on your project? How do you keep all users staying with your project for the long term ?
Justin : We aim to attract users that want to see more utility in the crypto space, but World Peace Token will attract an even wider range of people by attracting anyone who wants to help make a positive impact in the world. Users will stay with the project long term for a number of reasons. Our 3% redistribution will give passive income to our investors, we will also burn additional Tokens with every big milestone we hit to increase the value for our investors. We will constantly work to partner with more charities and stores, and we take our Token holder’s feedback and needs into consideration.
And this was the end of our AMA with World Peace.
If you have any other questions you can ask here:
ℹ️ℹ️ Useful links ℹ️ℹ️
Website :- http://worldpeacetoken.org/
Twitter :- https://twitter.com/WorldPeace_Coin
Discord :- https://discord.gg/meVTdb5B
Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/worldpeace_coin/?utm_medium=copy_link
Tiktok :- https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdVfJ14x/