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Youssif Masoud


we hosted an amazing AMA with MDEX on the 8th of September And here we will put some of the best questions: Q1. Can you introduce yourself to our community? Hi, I am Kiko, the CMO of Mdex. I have…

Black Lemon AMA

we hosted an amazing AMA with Black Lemon on the 7th of September And here we will put some of the best questions: Q1. Can you introduce yourself to our community? we are Really glad and honored to introduce our… AMA

we hosted an amazing AMA with on the 4th of August And here we will put some of the best questions: Q1) Can you please introduce yourself as well as ? Sure thing! I’m Jure and I’m the…

Mogul AMA

we hosted an amazing AMA with Mogul on the 5th of August And here we will put some of the best questions: Q1) Can you please introduce yourself as well as Mogul? I’m an Advisor& Co-Chair of Film Finance for…

CryptoBulls AMA

we hosted an amazing AMA with CryptoBulls on the 7th of September And here we will put some of the best questions: Q1. Can you please introduce yourself as well as CryptoBulls ? My name is Jeffrey Hocklander and I…

Rewardeum AMA

we hosted an amazing AMA with Rewardeum on the 4th of September And here we will put some of the best questions: Q1. Can you introduce yourself to our community? Of course! A little bit of my background first.. I…

Pledger Finance AMA

we hosted an amazing AMA with Pledger Finance on the 4th of september And here we will put some of the best questions: Q1. Can you introduce yourself to our community? Sure, my name is Douglas Lu-Hill, I am a…

Luto Cash AMA

we hosted an amazing AMA with Luto Cash on the 5th of August And here we will put some of the best questions: Q1) Can you please introduce yourself as well as Luto Cash ? Yes, I discovered blockchain in…

Hyper Chainx AMA

we hosted an amazing AMA with Hyper Chainx on the 3th of August And here we will put some of the best questions: Q1) Can you introduce yourself to our community? Hi guys, my name is Joshua Bruers aka Josh…

Blockasset AMA

we hosted an amazing AMA with Blockasset on the 30th of July And here we will put some of the best questions: Q1) Can you please introduce yourself as well as Blockasset ? Well, I will start off with Blockasset…